※ English names might change as the translation project progresses.


  • Read a scroll to cause an effect to occur.
  • Sanctuary Scroll should be placed on the ground instead.
  • Extinction Scroll should be thrown at a monster instead.


Name JPName ENSealBuySellInfo
ワナの巻物Trap Scroll-200100Generates new traps in the room.
識別の巻物Identify Scroll500250Identifies a selected item.
あかりの巻物Navigation Scroll-Reveals the current floor's layout + enemy and item locations.
水びたしの巻物Puddle Scroll-Creates water puddles throughout the current floor.
火種の巻物Burn Scroll-Burns all items on the ground inside the current room.
引き上げの巻物Retreat ScrollReturn to the starting village with your equipped items.
(Note that all other items and Gitan will be lost)
おはらいの巻物Purify Scroll1000500Removes curses from all items, excluding items inside pots.
(This scroll cannot be cursed)
ゾワゾワの巻物Fear Scroll-Inflicts Afraid status on all enemies in a 1 tile radius.
必中の巻物Accuracy Scroll-Direct attacks will never miss on the current floor.
(Asuka, allies, and enemies)
ファイトの巻物Cheer Scroll-Boosts attack and defense by x1.5 for 20 turns.
(Asuka and allies)
ワナけしの巻物Trap Erase Scroll-Removes all traps in the room.
はりつけの巻物Pin Scroll-Prevents characters in the room from moving for 30 turns.
(Asuka can still move like normal)
飛ばずの巻物Gravity Scroll-Projectiles will immediately fall to the ground for 30 turns.
(Effect applies to all characters on the current floor)
持ち帰りの巻物Escape Scroll-Return to the starting village with all of your items and Gitan.
天の恵みの巻物Heaven Scroll-1200600Increases weapon upgrade value by 1.
Removes curse if present.
地の恵みの巻物Earth Scroll-Increases shield upgrade value by 1.
Removes curse if present.
バクスイの巻物Slumber ScrollPuts characters in the room to sleep for 15 turns.
Puts characters to sleep in a 1 tile radius if read in a hallway.
(Characters have increased action speed when they wake up)
炎上の巻物Blaze Scroll-Sets the surrounding area (24 tiles) on fire for 10 turns.
混乱の巻物Confusion Scroll-1500750Confuses characters in the room for 20 turns.
Confuses characters in a 1 tile radius if read in a hallway.
落石の巻物Rockfall Scroll-Deals 30~40 damage to all enemies in the room.
Deals damage to enemies in a 1 tile radius if read in a hallway.
いかずちの巻物Lightning Scroll-Deals 20~35 damage to all enemies in the room.
Deals damage to enemies in a 1 tile radius if read in a hallway.
困った時の巻物Fixer Scroll-Positive effects can occur based on your current situation.
困った巻物Trouble Scroll-Some sort of negative effect occurs when read.
モンスターハウスの巻物Mon House Scroll-Turns the current room into a Monster House.
Warps you to a different room first if read in a shop or hallway.
水がれの巻物Desert Scroll-20001000All water on the current floor evaporates.
大部屋の巻物Great Hall Scroll-Turns the current floor into one giant room.
壺われずの巻物Sturdy Pot Scroll-The selected pot can't break during the current adventure.
壺増大の巻物Pot Expand Scroll-Increases the capacity of a selected pot by 1.
転写の巻物Copy Scroll-Copy the effect of any other scroll you have on hand.
すいだしの巻物Suction Scroll-30001500Suctions out all contents from a selected pot.
メッキの巻物Plating Scroll-40002000Adds the 金 (rustproof) seal to the selected weapon or shield.
Can also be used to repair cracked bracelets.
白紙の巻物Blank Scroll-50002500Write the name of a scroll you've read before, and use this as
that scroll.
聖域の巻物Sanctuary Scroll-7500Place this on the ground to create a safe zone where adjacent
monsters can't attack anyone standing on top of the scroll.
(Projectiles and staff magic can still hit you)
ねだやしの巻物Extinction Scroll-25000400Throw at a monster to make that monster no longer spawn.
Effect lasts for the duration of the current adventure.
(Same name only, so you can't banish an entire monster family)
奥技の巻物Technique Scroll-1500750Relearn a secret skill that you've learned in the past.