Blank Scroll Guide

※ The English patch currently doesn't support English input for Blank Scrolls.


  • The Blank Scroll is NOT lost if you input an incorrect name, but your turn ends.
  • You need to have read the target scroll at least once in the past before you can write it.
  • You cannot write Sumeragi Scroll on a Blank Scroll.

Scroll List

NameInput (JP)Image
Air Slash Scrollしんくうぎり
Altruism Scrollたにんかいふく
Attraction Scrollひきよせ
Bomber Scrollじばく
Confusion Scrollこんらん
Damp Scrollふはつ
Earth Scrollちのめぐみ
Escape Scrollもちかえり
Explosion Scrollだいばくはつ
Extinction Scrollねだやし
Fear Scrollぞわぞわ
Great Hall Scrollおおべや
Grounded Scrollひろえず
Heaven Scrollてんのめぐみ
Identify Scrollしきべつ
Inaccurate Scrollへっぴりごし
Monster Scrollもんすた
Muzzled Scrollくちなし
Navigation Scrollあかり
Plating Scrollめっき
Pot God Scrollつぼぞうだい
Power Up Scrollぱわーあっぷ
Purify Scrollおはらい
Sanctuary Scrollせいいき
Slumber Scrollばくすい
Squid Sushi Scrollいかすし
Swift Scrollばいそく
Trap Scrollわな
Trap Erase Scrollわなけし