Rescue Passwords

This page lists passwords for rescue requests that have rare items.
※ Input them from the Top Menu, then talk to Good inside the Rescue Branch.

See Training Facility for Training Dungeon passwords.


  • You can only go on a rescue if you've been to that dungeon and floor on your own before.
  • Rescues that are successful, deleted, or result in failure are stored and can't be reused.
    • The history only stores 32 rescues, so you can reuse passwords after accepting 32 other rescues.
    • 3 attempts for story dungeons, 5 attempts for other dungeons.
  • Bring an Escape Scroll for rescues that allow carry-in items to obtain the listed items multiple times.


Castle Keep

0118FSynthesis Pot
Storage Pot [5]
Iron Shield
Scout Bracelet
Nirvana Bracelet
らナホ7ル ちむXミKヨヲ JらUヘン
す3ヨるれ 6メラEよるナ ほAあV0
Shop 5F

Jahannam's Gate

014FSpark Sword
Scout Bracelet
Synthesis Pot
Blessing Pot
Plating Scroll
!オGHな Tむかラムヨほ &シえスセ
アFW6# ヌヒアKンえテ セLオオ0
Shop 3F
024FDragon Killer
Dragon Shield
Nirvana Bracelet
ヌぬマXよ と8オZタ?L スくとレと
Uむは$コ ム08%ふね5 ヌ25イ0
Shop 3F
0322FDragon Killer
Dragon Shield
Scout Bracelet
Nirvana Bracelet
Vision Bracelet
Synthesis Pot
Blessing Pot
WシJ21 Xむ2Jム1E ホサ?シ9
ヘ9け8し あミKユ#わく のチトW0
Shop Floors:
15, 19
0419FDragon Killer
Sky Splitter
Ghost Sickle
Walrus Shield
Dragon Shield
Synthesis Pot
PユるつK き8?0カハか ンられまミ
Wんまマエ をルクイMPむ X#ン81
Shop Floors:
6, 15, 16, 18
0519FSturdy Bracelet
Scout Bracelet
Warp Bracelet
Vision Bracelet
Heal Bracelet
Dragon Killer
Blast Shield
Walrus Shield
Dragon Shield
Holy Shield
Fuuma Shield
Plating Scroll
めネMりそ い8わ6をDラ しせXAた
テタPモさ ニよひレふ1わ そJVを1
Shop Floors:
3, 9, 15, 17, 18
0620FSturdy Bracelet
Nirvana Bracelet
Sky Splitter
Dragon Killer
Blast Shield
Synthesis Pot
ユたコレT Uむそいあロム りねちミら
Mほニろか VねユつEホム へハそ30
Shop Floors:
17, 19

Abyssal Depths

014FKabura's Blade
Blast Shield
Power Shield
カめケ3P あむに5キヲモ かヲ#5ね
!にンヌク さワ#ヒZ&C #シヒら0
022FKabura's Blade
Synthesis Pot
Balance Staff
むニ?ネミ W8BロレルN セシハうK
ユ9ちこホ ロへうモ1$ノ めりトタ0
032FBlast Shield
Power Shield
Heal Bracelet
No Drain Bracelet
をA&ホネ さむねA0キわ いゆうウZ
ル#モ@3 レ8えね#Eつ AみメY1
047FKabura's Guard
Blast Shield
Warp Bracelet
No Drain Bracelet
Plating Scroll
UTナRケ えむKB2ナそ ユあQBろ
GマMみや ラを0オミ8い ころふの1
053FHoly Shield
Nirvana Bracelet
Absorb Pot
はひウタせ た8のほんらへ いRM!K
ヨテわYB E54ホほ%D Z#あス0
062FPower Shield
Vision Bracelet
ロB&はコ き8むシまうC をオ%えト
Bやレね! Aヲキ!おイし るNRぬ1
072FHunger Bracelet
Explosion Bracelet
キコLKタ ね8Kけハタか くまZFれ
マ$ハりク ナエにテクゆ3 1MQU1
084FPresto Pot
Sanctuary Scroll
Plating Scroll
Cyclops Killer
ホすヤくケ T8ふCよセW イくVVニ
0ム6ちう ルふきいマヤノ アJうエ0

Smith's Forge

0198FGold Bracelet
Chaos Axe
Soul Sickle
Power Pole
Minotaur's Axe
Prism Shield
Spry Shield
Echo Shield
Eテ8シマ おむセほイBし ハヒフりワ
ろモXとタ きらこわLハ& ホのつな0
Mon House Floors:
9, 19, 32, 46, 80, 97

Shop Floors:
7, 15, 44, 59, 82, 89
0298FGold Bracelet
Chaos Axe
Power Pole
Reflect Shield
Prism Shield
Dodge Shield
Spry Shield
Echo Shield
ねムルる9 い8ニナさおテ えセUオた
ルあとMテ けナろ6サふそ モUもチ1
Mon House Floors:

Shop Floors:
11, 38, 69, 71, 77, 95
0398FGold Bracelet
Mamel Sword
Nirvana Shield
Dragon Shield
Prism Shield
Mamel Shield
Dodge Shield
Spry Shield
Echo Shield
Jいク83 いむウムニフや エよもTメ
%レまやヲ キ2ち0みWY Rコフみ0
Mon House Floors:
7, 36, 56, 61, 73, 87, 96

Shop Floors:
14, 17, 71, 76, 89, 92
0471FGold Bracelet
Spry Shield
Echo Shield
C7けXナ Yむうそモおこ ヨもゆフる
HD5テマ ととYる6LJ きヒ5ト0
Shop Floors:
6, 24, 29, 70
0585FPower Pole
Mamel Sword
Minotaur's Axe
Nirvana Shield
Counter Shield
Prism Shield
Mamel Shield
ヘイタJる ねむZエもW2 た!チ&1
クWHかこ ら#Zけらほち U&ほL1
Mon House Floors:
4, 8, 45, 46

Shop Floors:
67, 72, 82, 84
0683FPower Pole
Nirvana Shield
Counter Shield
Prism Shield
Mamel Shield
セレふろら けむ%ミ!むR ひ#Wホ$
みマほケJ ひ@みAセん8 ワニJイ0
Mon House Floors:
4, 8, 45, 46

Shop Floors:
67, 72, 82

Tonfan's Hole

0129FBufu's Staff
Happy Staff
Absorb Pot
いさナろ6 つむろKメへム Mひほワウ
Dシい&% ヨE#の1タフ のつてム1
Mon House 28F
Shop 28F (Escape Scroll)

Mamel Cave

012FExplosion Scroll8Tへ4ケ し8Wヲイカく Zさロヤた
VメCゆ@ けせサみン2ち &2タ&1

Inner Ruins

0186FChaos Axe
Drain Buster
Kabura's Guard
Traproid Shield
Nirvana Shield
Reflect Shield
Prism Shield
Dodge Shield
Echo Shield
たヲミホく せ8ヤヘゆルふ モタ0Aつ
4ム#8ヲ フろに@そラん ヌたN11
Mon House Floors:
19, 37

Treasure Floors:
83, 84, 85
023FExtinction Scrollおワちにイ さむへさテあこ マか&もは
ゆりヲろキ くフQ%6$$ アせ410