Tips and Tricks

This page details useful techniques and general knowledge related to Shiren DS2.


  • Weapons and shields have an upgrade limit, and can't be upgraded any further once that limit is reached.
  • Weapons, shields, and bracelets have a limited number of rune slots, and no more runes can be added once full.
  • Sorting your inventory when you have multiple stacks of 99 arrows will reduce it to a single 99 arrow stack.
  • A cracked bracelet can be repaired by reading a Plating Scroll or by inserting it into a Blessing Pot.
  • Most staves will produce the same effect as a magic bullet when thrown, even with a remaining use count of 0.
    • Thrown staves are effective against Ether Devil types.
  • Hold B to step on Gitan without picking it up - You can then throw, swap, or insert the Gitan into a pot.
    • Thrown Gitan deals damage equal to 10% of its value, or 100% of its value if blessed.
  • Winds of Kron blows when 700 turns have elapsed on a floor, and you get sent back to Town of Ilpa at 1000 turns.
    • You lose all items and Gitan if you get sent back, and you can't request a rescue.
  • Eating an Herb or Otogiriso when your HP is full increases max HP.
    • Herb - Max HP +1
    • Otogiriso - Max HP +2
  • Eating an Onigiri or Large Onigiri when you're full increases max fullness.
    • Onigiri - Max fullness +1
    • Large Onigiri - Max fullness +2
  • When you have multiple onigiri on hand, it's best to eat smaller onigiri first to free up inventory space.
  • Direct attacks can be used to check for hidden traps 1 tile ahead.
    • The range to check for traps remains 1 tile ahead even with Aura Spear or Razor Wind.
  • Strip Trap can be used to remove a cursed weapon, shield, or bracelet.
  • You can use Shoot, Throw, and Swing commands like normal while afflicted with Confused status.
  • You'll collapse if you step on a Spoil Trap or get hit by explosion damage while afflicted with Onigiri status.
  • Thrown items pierce through walls and creatures when you have a Pierce Bracelet equipped.
  • If Cell Armor disarms your weapon or shield while a Pierce Bracelet is equipped, the item is permanently lost.
  • Extinction Scroll makes the specific monster level hit by the scroll vanish for the duration of the adventure.
    • Example: Throw Extinction Scroll at Archdragon → Dragon, Sky Dragon, and Abyss Dragon can still appear.
  • Colors used for item names mean specific things.
    • White - Identified.
    • Yellow - Unidentified.
    • Red - Cursed.
    • Green - Synthesized item, or an item with an assigned a name.


  • Throw any onigiri at a Nigiri Novice or Squid King type monster to instantly defeat it.
    • Squid King will turn into a Squid Sushi Scroll.
  • Ghost type monsters will take damage from healing items.
    • Herb - 25 damage
    • Life Grass - 50 damage
    • Otogiriso - 100 damage
    • Altruism Scroll - 100 damage (read)
  • Throw Antidote Grass at a Sip Leech or Mutaikon type monster to deal 50 damage to it.
  • Unneeded weapons and shields can be thrown to deal damage.
  • Trap Genin type monsters won't drop a trap if it's standing on a tile with an item, trap, or stairs.
  • Dark Slasher type monsters can be safely defeated in hallways by making them swift.
    • The Dark Slasher will repeatedly back away and step in front of you instead of attacking.
    • However, this can backfire if you step away or if a monster is behind the Dark Slasher.
  • Absorb Pot can be used on a monster inside a wall to remove the monster's Wall Clip ability.
    • The monster will warp to a random room on the current floor.
  • Muzzled status can be cured by using a non-meat item to transform into a monster.
    • Abosrb Pot - Use the pot.
    • Presto Staff - Swing at a Taishodon or Phantom Devil, or have a monster throw it at Shiren.
  • Demon Warrior and Dark Slasher overlap on 12-14F for most dungeons that don't allow carry-in items.
    • Use Ghost Warrior to level up Dark Slasher, then use arrows to safely defeat it to level up.
    • Dark Slasher (52 exp), Sneaky Slasher (210 exp), Shadow Slasher (1800 exp), Wild Slasher (2300 exp)
  • You can position Mamo between a Bow Boy type monster and Shiren to easily collect arrows.
  • If you have a Dodge Shield (避) or Reflect Shield (返), you can step on arrow traps to collect arrows.

Tips / Trivia

  • Presto Pot only produces Weeds inside the Storage.
  • Monsters spawned inside the Storage vanish when you exit the building.
  • Blessed/cursed status remains the same when you upgrade an item at the Blacksmith.
  • Napping Glare Snake and Pitcher Plant type monsters stay asleep until you attack or become adjacent.
  • Damage and status conditions get reset when a monster levels up or levels down.
  • Aura Spear (貫) can hit monsters like Hannya Warrior without counter damage if you're 2 tiles away.
  • Knockback Staff can send items or stairs flying 10 tiles away in addition to characters.
    • Pull Staff can also pull items to you, but if there's a water tile in front of you, the item will be lost.
  • Skull Wizard's Presto effect will change Shiren back to normal if he has Onigiri status.
  • Goggler types will gain better eyesight if Sight Grass is thrown at them.
  • Transient Staff can be used to prevent a Punter Scarab from moving the stairs.
  • If you expand a shop by reading a Great Hall Scroll first, Monster Scroll won't generate a Monster House.
  • Shiren will collapse if hit by an Extinction Scroll, but Revival Grass and rescues still function.
  • Big Moai will reappear again even if you defeat them inside Jahannam's Gate.
  • Falling into a Pit Trap on the final floor of a Training Dungeon will clear the dungeon.
  • Falling into a Pit Trap on the final floor while on a rescue will only deal 5 damage.
  • Any ally you had when you collapsed will still be there if you revive via a rescue.

Blessing / Curse

Items can be blessed or cursed in this game, and the effect varies depending on the item category.
Blessings enhance an item's effect, and curses either make the item unusable, or unable to be unequipped.


Throw an item at Blessing Plant monster or insert items into a Blessing Pot to bless items.
For some item categories, the blessing can be lost when certain actions occur.

CategoryEffectLoss Condition
WeaponDirect attacks deal more damage.Use a direct attack (chance)
ShieldReceive less damage.Get hit by an attack (chance)
BraceletBracelet won't crack from damage.Get hit by an attack (chance)
ArrowArrow deals more damage.Shoot an arrow (chance)
FoodReplenish fullness to max.
Max fullness increase is doubled.
GrassEffect is twice as strong.None
ScrollScroll isn't consumed when read.Read the scroll (chance)
StaffStaff use isn't consumed when swung.Swing the staff (chance)
MeatTransformation duration is doubled.None
TrapCan't gain blessed status.None
GitanDamage dealt is equal to value.None


Items gain cursed status from Curse Girl monster special attacks, Curse Trap, or Curse Pot.
Curses can be removed by reading a Purify Scroll, and the 払 (Holy Shield) rune blocks curses.
In some cases, items you find can be cursed from the start.

WeaponCan't unequip.
ShieldCan't unequip.
BraceletCan't unequip.
ArrowCan't unequip or shoot.
FoodCan't eat, deals 2 damage when thrown.
GrassCan't eat, deals 2 damage when thrown.
ScrollCan't read, deals 2 damage when thrown.
Sanctuary Scroll has no effect when placed.
StaffCan't swing, deals 2 damage when thrown.
Balance Staff won't prevent tripping.
PotCan't insert or remove items, deals 2 damage when thrown.
MeatCan't eat, deals 2 damage when thrown.
TrapCan't gain cursed status.
GitanDeals 2 damage when thrown.

Falling Items

  • Items won't land on traps or other items when they fall to the ground.
  • 5x5 tiles from where the item fell is the max distance an item can fall - beyond that, the item is lost.

Sanctuary Scroll

  • Sanctuary Scrolls on the ground are effective even before you pick them up and place them down.
    • Place a Blank Scroll on the ground before writing Sanctuary Scroll to get 2 uses out of it.
  • Hannya Warrior's attack reflection is nullified when you're standing on a Sanctuary Scroll.
    • Samuraidon's counter damage is NOT nullified.
  • Monsters that step on a Sanctuary Scroll will vanish without granting experience points.
    • Bad Aim Bracelet can be used to one-shot a monster with a thrown Sanctuary Scroll, but it's wasteful.
    • Swap Staff, Knockback Staff, Pull Staff, etc. can be used to force a monster onto the scroll.
  • Sanctuary Scrolls cannot be moved by staves once they're stuck to the ground.

Wily Tanuki

  • Wily Tanukis are disguised as items when generated, similar to N'dubba in other games.
    • Disguised Wily Tanukis can be sold in shops.
  • They always jump out directly above Shiren's current location when their disguise wears off.
    • Unless there's a wall, character, or Sanctuary Scroll blocking the tile.
    • If the tile above Shiren is a water tile, the Wily Tanuki will warp somewhere else.
    • If the entity limit has been reached, the Wily Tanuki will vanish instead.
  • If you throw a disguised Wily Tanuki into water, the monster will sink instead of appearing.
  • If you throw a disguised Wily Tanuki at a Pitcher Plant, its disguise will change to a grass item.
    • If you then throw an Extinction Scroll at a different Wily Tanuki, the disguised item will turn real.
  • Wily Tanuki are revealed in your inventory when you return to town.

Upgrade Value

Some common techniques to upgrade equipment for postgame dungeons.
Doing Blacksmith runs also works if you don't have the needed items, but it's slower and costs Gitan.
Use Training Dungeons to obtain items like Absorb Pot and Happy Staff from Abyssal Depths.

Storage Note

All 3 of these methods can be done inside the storage in Town of Ilpa.
Bring back a Lv3-4 Pitcher Plant using an Imprison Pot and throw it to make it appear inside the storage.
Corner it using 3 Sanctuary Scrolls for safety, and carry Revival Grass just to be extra safe.

Blessing Plant (Lv3)

Use an Absorb Pot with Blessing Plant's power to bless Pot God, Heaven, and Earth scrolls.
※ Blessing Plant - Blesses the item underfoot when you open the Absorb Pot.

  1. Use an Absorb Pot on a Blessing Plant until the pot is full.
  2. Bless Pot God, Heaven, and Earth scrolls.
  3. Read Heaven and Earth scrolls to upgrade equipment until the blessing on the scrolls wears off.
  4. Read Pot God Scrolls on the Absorb Pot and return to step 1.

Upgrade Plant (Lv4)

Use an Absorb Pot with Upgrade Plant's power to upgrade an item underfoot.
※ Upgrade Plant - Increases capacity of a pot to 5, or equipment upgrade value by 5.

  1. Use an Absorb Pot on an Upgrade Plant until the pot is full.
  2. Place a weapon or shield underfoot and open the Absorb Pot to increase upgrade value.
  3. Repeat step 2 until the Absorb Pot's capacity is [1].
  4. Place the Absorb Pot underfoot and increase its capacity back to [5], and return to step 1.

Soul Sickle (セ)

Synthesize セ (Cell Armor Sword) into a Soul Sickle, then knock away thrown items from a Lv3-4 Pitcher Plant.

  1. Throw an item you want to bless or upgrade at a Blessing Plant or Upgrade Plant.
  2. Use direct attacks with the Soul Sickle (セ) equipped until the item is knocked away from the monster.

Big Moai Items

Big Moai is located in Town of Ilpa until you receive the 10th reward, after which they go on a journey.
Once they leave Town of Ilpa, they can be randomly found between 1-17F in Jahannam's Gate.
※ These items require a Wi-Fi connection + Shiren 3 (Wii) friend code to obtain - Currently unobtainable.
※ Friend Code: 1075-1871-1205 (100484 points) - Listed for historic purposes only.

20Happy Grass12000Sturdy Bracelet
40Huge Onigiri14000Blessing Pot [3]
60Strength Bracelet16000Bufu's Staff
80Miss Staff [4]18000Paper Bracelet
100Ghost Sickle20000Prism Shield
200Special Onigiri24000Gold Bracelet
400Counter Shield28000Nirvana Shield
60030 Silver Arrows32000Minotaur's Axe
800Synthesis Pot [3]36000Power Pole
1000Fuuma Katana40000Chaos Axe
200020 Force Arrows50000Kabura's Guard
4000Upgrade Pot [1]60000Razor Wind
6000Happy Shield70000Critical Bracelet
8000Nirvana Bracelet80000Homing Blade
10000Traproid Shield100000Kabura's Blade

Kron Items

There are 9 secret items said to be blessed by Kron, the god of travel.
They can only be obtained from a Presto Pot used on the final floor inside certain dungeons after clearing the story.
If you go to the final floor of Jahannam's Gate with all 9 items in your inventory, you'll obtain a Kaburasutegi.


Castle Tower (13F)
Nfuu BraceletKaranba Arrow
Sumeragi ScrollTenjin Staff
Castle Keep (19F)
Hidamari SwordBufu's Onigiri
Keshin ShieldRanzan Grass
Gimensha Pot-
Abyssal Depths (99F)

2 items from the Castle Tower and Castle Keep lists will not be obtainable in those locations in your save file.
In order to obtain them, you'll need to insert items into a Presto Pot on 99F of Abyssal Depths.


The first Japanese character of each of the Kron Items is part of "秘剣カブラステギ" (JP name for Kaburasutegi).

Hidamari SwordHi
Keshin ShieldKe
Nfuu BraceletN
Karanba ArrowKa
Bufu's StaffBu
Ranzan GrassRa
Sumeragi ScrollSu
Tenjin StaffTe
Gimensha PotGi

Rare Items

Locations for some of the rarer items in the game.
See Rescue Passwords and Training Facility for passwords to easily obtain some of these items.

Healing SwordTraining Dungeon (Reward)
Fiery FuumaWanado Tournament (1st Clear)
Wonder PickInner Ruins (Clear)
KaburasutegiDescend stairs on Jahannam's Gate 22F with all 9 Kron items.
※ Kron items must not be in pots.
Mamel SwordMamel Cave (1st Clear, alternating reward)
Smith's Forge (Shop 80F+)
Homing BladeShiren 3 Link
Rescue reward (必 rune only)
Razor WindShiren 3 Link
Rescue reward (三 rune only)
Traproid ShieldWanado Tournament (Floor 90F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Shiren 3 Link
Walrus ShieldJahannam's Gate (Shop 15F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Reflect ShieldSmith's Forge (Shop 70F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Prism ShieldSmith's Forge (Shop 80F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Shiren 3 Link
Mamel ShieldMamel Cave (2nd Clear, alternating reward)
Smith's Forge (Shop 80F+)
Dodge ShieldSmith's Forge (Shop 70F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Echo ShieldSmith's Forge (Shop 1-29F, 70F+)
Inner Ruins (Floor 80F+)
Helix ShieldSmith's Forge (Clear)
Sturdy BraceletJahannam's Gate (Shop 15F+)
Shiren 3 Link
Gold BraceletSmith's Forge (Shop 60-89F)
Obaba's Hidden Hole (Floor, Shop)
Critical BraceletShiren 3 Link
Rescue reward (会 rune only)
Paper BraceletShiren 3 Link
Rescue reward (避 rune only)
Bufu's StaffTonfan's Hole (Floor 21F+)
Shiren 3 Link