Training Facility


The dojo offers a whack-a-mole mini game, which can be used to level up prior to entering certain dungeons.
The first use is free, and then it costs an increasing amount of Gitan to continue training. (5 sessions max)
Session count and fee reset back to 0 when you enter a dungeon and return to Town of Ilpa.
The key to getting the most out of each 50 turn session is to use diagonal movement.

Training Fee
Mole85Doesn't move or attack, vanishes after 7 turns.
Blue Mole1840Doesn't move or attack, vanishes after 5 turns.
Level Up Carry-In
Ancient RuinsYesCastle TowerYesCastle KeepYes
Jahannam's GateYesTonfan's HoleNoWanado TournamentNo
Pot CaveNoAbyssal DepthsNoSmith's ForgeYes
Mamel CaveYesInner RuinsYesObaba's Hidden HoleNo

Training Dungeon

Training Dungeons are special dungeons where a player customizes the location and depth before entering.
They're a great way to practice and collect rare items from dungeons that don't allow carry-in items.
※ Visit Tonfan's Hole 5F to collect Bufu's Cleaver, or Wanado Tournament 5F to collect Trapper Bracelet.

  1. The player always starts at Lv1, and you can't bring any items, Gitan, or allies into the dungeon.
  2. If you successfully clear the dungeon, you get a fixed reward based on the location and depth.
  • The first visit is always set to Ancient Ruins 5F.
  • Once the first visit is cleared, you can change the location to any dungeon you've visited in the past.
  • The dungeon seed remains the same until you change settings, so you can replay the same dungeon if desired.
    • Same dungeon seed = Items, monsters, traps, and map layout will be the same each attempt.
  • Training Dungeon data can be traded between players, so sharing seeds with rare items is easy.
    • Wi-Fi is no longer in service for Nintendo DS, but passwords still function.
Fixed Rewards
Ancient Ruins5~8FOtogirisoPot Cave5~9FAir Slash Scroll
Castle Tower5~9FOtogiriso10~29FAngel Seed
10~13FAir Slash Scroll30~99FHealing Sword
Castle Keep5~9FAir Slash ScrollAbyssal Depths5~9FRevival Grass
10~14FRevival Grass10~14FAngel Seed
15~18FAngel Seed15~29FExtinction Scroll
Jahannam's Gate5~14FRevival Grass30~99FHealing Sword
15~22FAngel SeedSmith's Forge5~9FRevival Grass
Tonfan's Hole5~9FRevival Grass10~29FAngel Seed
10~39FAngel Seed30~99FHealing Sword
40~99FHealing SwordMamel Cave5~9FAir Slash Scroll
Wanado Tournament5~9FRevival Grass10~29FAngel Seed
10~39FAngel Seed30~99FHealing Sword
40~99FHealing SwordInner Ruins5~6FWarp Grass
7~9FTunnel Staff
10~15FGreat Hall Scroll
16~99FSoldier Ant Meat


This section lists passwords for Training Dungeons that have rare items.
※ Input them from the Top Menu (Dungeon Trade), then select Replay Last when talking with Higecho.

Jahannam's Gate
Blast Shield
Dragon Shield
Fuuma Shield
Nirvana Bracelet
Vision Bracelet
Synthesis Pot
Presto Pot
!ユPすく りワやCラおK スのホサ0
もサAGき DヒBひスサヨ らフLウ5
Mon House 4F & 5F
Shop 5F
Nirvana Bracelet
Blessing Pot
Storage Pot
TヤルVフ コワEUノキエ コK4ホL
にせMJお CてナMシZけ 4Uヤヨ5
Shop 5F
Sanctuary Scroll
Synthesis Pot
Blessing Pot
Counter Shield
Wよのしヲ んにまれラCセ しをん2キ
スXヌBあ んにサ7?Dす オ!て%5
Mon House 4F
Shop 4F
045FSynthesis Pot
Presto Pot
ヌP#よ3 めにかGヌほセ てチラむて
ヌまBGの るトろE$KK イHくロ5
Synthesis Pot
Fuuma Shield
Heal Bracelet
Hれ8りケ めにEか%つト とQトNV
よりトN7 0ひゆロCタミ ゆ$Hる5
Shop 5F
Abyssal Depths
0110FKabura's Blade
Spark Sword
Blast Shield
Holy Shield
Upgrade Pot
Happy Staff
Blank Scroll
Plating Scroll
CわN%た をにPタHゆき ぬに2Bは
ハせはフう CユのユZろ9 Tヤたコ5
Mon House 10F
Shop 7F & 10F
025FKabura's Blade
Fuuma Shield
Nirvana Bracelet
Holy Bracelet
Synthesis Pot
ミ@ミ5サ へにカやせもん Fまテムた
アをけつチ 2Vタ05なQ えスせネ4
035FKabura's Blade
Plating Scroll
のヨヨヨれ カワ4し4ね4 Eまほ0れ
たひへ0W りかかをXルく 2ひもウ4
045FHappy Grass
Hunger Bracelet
Blast Shield
Power Shield
てうしカ0 もにマM8ろス 4Fテちつ
えユん%ヤ ワすルMハしる %Mノひ5
055FFuuma Shield
Plating Scroll
Balance Staff
Synthesis Pot
のねよMそ はワフPコハ# ムFぬる5
Q#Yけ! 0セTUオRユ #むホヌ4
065FBalance Staff
Ghost Sickle
Drain Buster
ハけTつモ アに$9もFみ ていPろワ
TWネりH 0Tムきむよせ あEかR4
Power Shield
Balance Staff
よチエスロ コにセけヤRキ オほ@ノ8
ろエなえ$ の2かみれUY Bくわい5
085FHappy Staff
Balance Staff
Blast Shield
Synthesis Pot
Blessing Pot
Plating Scroll
せヤはT% ゆワ$み$ノナ せふGセふ
ホPXイ& のウ@2さBあ ヌZふち4
095FAbsorb Pot
Happy Staff
Blast Shield
Nirvana Bracelet
3!A%6 アワすホG5ラ おBけしQ
やタ4イル ワセし&んはク クハイ05
106FPot God Scroll
Fuuma Shield
とセオコZ れにXチぬ4セ まにとをひ
!シトKふ DWヤにンAア けタKや5
Shop 6F
116FExtinction Scroll
Dragon Killer
Absorb Pot
Synthesis Pot
Blessing Pot
アあり2す ゆにアFMタモ Kウすケゆ
Qややあひ をやおちてア$ #モわけ4
Shop 6F
125FAbsorb Pot
Plating Scroll
Diet Shield
@たそヌラ るワむとやヤシ @んゆへ9
BムLて2 のオ%けおこし HZAむ4
1310FKabura's Blade
Ghost Sickle
Cyclops Killer
Plating Scroll
ンよフカエ んにしGとモよ 6Gけかタ
ふモモZそ んれRLTあH ハ!アス5
Shop 7F
Wanado Tournament
015FPickaxe x 2
Tunnel Staff
この!ゆう るにコAレかめ #GししF
にHつるい こすん0とヒ@ オンヨ54
Inner Ruins
015FUpgrade Pot - 3Fおユくカ# ろワつ%イDQ JAエロ#
ネ%Rネま ほCE@ト$ん ちそんサ5