
  • Use a TM (Technical Machine) to learn a move.
    • TMs are single use in this game, and completely vanish after being used.
  • Some TMs are available for purchase at Kecleon Wares in Pokemon Square.
    • Kecleon Wares mostly only offers TMs for moves that deal damage.
    • Select TMs can also be obtained via Wonder Mail.
    • All other TMs can be found in dungeons.


"Front" range colors = Goes through corners

Name Type Cat PP Range Target Notes Wares Buy Sell
Acrobatics physical 15 Front Enemy x2.0 power without a held item. 1750 175
Aerial Ace physical 13 Front Enemy Never misses. 1800 180
Attract other 10 Front Enemy Inflicts Infatuated status. 2200 220
Aurora Veil other 10 Room Party Reduces damage from all attacking moves.
Only usable during Hail.
1750 175
Blizzard special 11 Room Enemy Chance to inflict Frozen status.
Never misses during Hail.
Fixed Location: Fantasy Strait 25F
3000 300
Brick Break physical 18 Front Enemy Removes Reflect / Light Screen / Aurora Veil. 1850 185
Brutal Swing physical 17 Radius Enemy 2 tile radius.
Fixed Location: Darknight Relic 15F
1750 175
Bulk Up other 17 - Self Boosts Attack and Defense by 1 stage. 1900 190
Bulldoze physical 17 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, slows target's Travel Speed. 2050 205
Calm Mind other 17 - Self Boosts Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stage. 2000 200
Charge Beam special 13 Front Enemy Chance to raise your Sp. Atk by 1 stage. 1950 195
Confide other 20 Front Enemy Lowers Sp. Atk by 1 stage. 1600 160
Dark Pulse special 15 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, chance to flinch.
Fixed Location: Darknight Relic 15F
2000 200
Dazzling Gleam special 15 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius. 2000 200
Double Team other 15 - Self Boosts evasion by 1 stage. 2600 260
Dragon Claw physical 18 Front Enemy No additional effect. 1700 170
Dragon Tail physical 13 Front Enemy Deals 10 tiles knockback. 1850 185
Dream Eater special 15 Front Enemy Only hits sleeping targets.
Restores HP equal to 50% damage dealt.
1850 185
Earthquake physical 13 Room All Also hits underground enemies and allies. 1950 195
Echoed Voice special 15 Radius Enemy Using it repeatedly boosts power. 1800 180
Embargo other 20 Front Enemy Makes the target unable to use items.
Their held item also loses its effect.
1600 160
Energy Ball special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to lower target's Sp. Def by 1 stage.
Fixed Location: Solar Cave 20F
2250 225
Explosion other 10 - Self Applies Explosion status to self.
(Deals damage in a 5x5 blast if attacked)
1550 155
Facade physical 17 Front Enemy Power increases if you have a bad status.
Ignores Attack down effect of Burned status.
2400 240
False Swipe physical 30 Front Enemy Defeated enemy is more likely to join your team.
Can be raised up to 99 PP / 100 accuracy.
Fixed Location: Remains Island 13F
1500 150
Fire Blast special 10 Front Enemy Chance to inflict Burned status.
Fixed Location: Fantasy Strait 25F
2300 230
Flame Charge physical 17 Front Enemy Chance to raise your Travel Speed by 1 stage. 1700 170
Flamethrower special 11 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to inflict Burned status.
Fixed Location: Solar Cave 20F
2300 230
Flash Cannon special 13 Front Enemy Chance to lower target's Sp. Def by 1 stage. 1700 170
Fling physical 13 10 Tiles Enemy Select an item to throw it like a Gravelerock. 1950 195
Fly physical 13 Front Enemy Fly up, then deal damage on the next turn. 1850 185
Focus Blast special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to lower target's Sp. Def by 1 stage.
Fixed Location: Southern Cavern 50F
2500 250
Frost Breath special 13 Front Enemy Always lands a critical hit. 1750 175
Frustration physical 17 Front Enemy Higher power the less you've been part of the team. 2250 225
Giga Impact physical 13 Front Enemy Can't act afterwards on the next turn. 2400 240
Grass Knot special 20 Front Enemy The heavier the target, the higher the power.
Can be raised up to 99 PP / 100 accuracy.
1850 185
Gyro Ball physical 20 Front Enemy Higher power when Speed stat is lower than target.
Can be raised up to 99 PP.
1550 155
Hail other 18 Floor All Changes the weather to Hail.
Hail hurts + stops HP recovery for non-Ice types.
1750 175
Hidden Power special 15 Front Enemy Type of this move changes each adventure.
Fixed Location: Unown Relic 11F
2200 220
Hyper Beam special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Also deals damage to the target's surroundings.
The blast can hit allies, destroy items and walls.
Can't act afterwards on the next turn.
(If a big Pokemon uses it, 10 tiles range + piercing)
2550 255
Ice Beam special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to inflict Frozen status.
Fixed Location: Solar Cave 20F
2450 245
Infestation special 17 Front Enemy Chance to prevent target's movement.
Deals a bit of damage over time.
1900 190
Leech Life physical 15 Front Enemy Restores HP equal to 50% damage dealt. 1750 175
Light Screen other 15 Room Party Reduces damage from special attack moves. 1850 185
Low Sweep physical 17 Front Enemy Lowers the Travel Speed of the target. 1700 170
Nature Power other 20 Varies Enemy Move changes based on the dungeon's tile set. 1750 175
Overheat special 12 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, lowers your Sp. Atk by 2 stages. 2250 225
Payback physical 13 - Self Applies Counter status to yourself. 1950 195
Poison Jab physical 17 Front Enemy Chance to inflict Poisoned status. 1800 180
Protect other 10 - Self Applies Protect status to yourself.
Chance to fail if used repeatedly.
2400 240
Psych Up other 15 Front All Copies the stat changes of the target. 1650 165
Psychic special 13 Front Enemy Chance to lower target's Sp. Def by 1 stage. 1900 190
Psyshock special 13 Front Enemy Special attack, but calculated vs. target's Defense. 1700 170
Quash other 10 Front Enemy Makes the target flinch. 2250 225
Rain Dance other 18 Floor All Changes the weather to Rain.
Water moves power up, fire moves weaken.
2150 215
Reflect other 15 Room Party Reduces damage from physical attack moves. 1800 180
Rest other 13 - Self Inflicts sleep status on yourself for a bit.
HP and status are fully restored when you wake up.
2400 240
Return physical 17 Front Enemy Higher power the more you've been part of the team. 2300 230
Roar other 17 Front Enemy Deals 10 tiles knockback. 1650 165
Rock Polish other 17 - Self Raises Travel Speed by 2 stages. 1900 190
Rock Slide physical 15 Front Enemy Chance to make target flinch. 2000 200
Rock Tomb physical 13 Front Enemy Lowers the Travel Speed of the target. 1900 190
Roost other 13 - Self Restores 40% of your HP.
The Pokemon loses Flying type until the next turn.
2400 240
Round special 15 Front Enemy Higher power if other allies also use Round. 2200 220
Safeguard other 13 Room Party Protects against bad statuses for a while. 1950 195
Sandstorm other 18 Floor All Changes the weather to Sandstorm.
Sandstorm hurts + stops HP recovery for non-Rock,
Ground, and Steel types. Raise Sp. Def for Rock types.
1800 180
Scald special 15 Front Enemy Chance to inflict Burned status.
Pokemon with Frozen status become unfrozen.
1900 190
Shadow Ball special 12 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to lower target's Sp. Def by 1 stage.
Fixed Location: Darknight Relic 15F
2300 230
Shadow Claw physical 15 Front Enemy Higher critical hit rate. 1900 190
Sky Drop physical 13 Front Enemy Fly up with target, then deal damage on the next turn.
No damage if target is a Flying type.
1600 160
Sleep Talk other 18 - Self Uses one of your moves when sleeping. 1750 175
Sludge Bomb special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Chance to inflict Poisoned status.
Fixed Location: Darknight Relic 15F
2200 220
Sludge Wave special 13 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, chance to inflict Poisoned status. 2100 210
Smack Down physical 15 Front Enemy Makes target susceptible to Ground type moves. 1700 170
Smart Strike physical 15 Front Enemy Never misses. 1750 175
Snarl special 15 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, lowers target's Sp. Atk by 1 stage.
Fixed Location: Darknight Relic 15F
2550 255
Solar Beam special 10 4 Tiles Enemy Charge power, then attack on the next turn.
Sunny → no charge required.
Rain / Hail / Sandstorm → power is reduced.
2100 210
Steel Wing physical 15 Front Enemy Chance to raise your Defense by 1 stage. 1900 190
Stone Edge physical 10 Front Enemy Higher critical hit rate. 1950 195
Substitute other 10 - Self Lose HP equal to 1/2 of max HP for Substitute status. 2500 250
Sunny Day other 18 Floor All Changes the weather to Sunny.
Fire moves power up, water moves weaken.
2050 205
Surf special 12 Room All Also hits underwater enemies and allies. 2000 200
Swagger other 15 Front Enemy Inflicts Confused + raises target's Attack by 2 stages. 2350 235
Swords Dance other 20 - Self Boosts your Attack by 2 stages. 1600 160
Taunt other 17 Front Enemy Makes target unable to use non-attacking moves. 1800 180
Thief physical 13 Front Enemy Steals the target's item if you're not holding anything. 1800 180
Thunder special 13 Front Enemy Chance to inflict Paralyzed status.
Rain → never misses.
Sunny → reduced accuracy.
Fixed Location: Fantasy Strait 25F
2150 215
Thunder Wave other 17 Front Enemy Inflicts Paralyzed status.
No effect on Ground type Pokemon.
1850 185
Thunderbolt special 15 Radius Enemy 1 tile radius, chance to inflict Paralyzed status. 2200 220
Torment other 15 Front Enemy Makes the target unable to use their last used move. 1700 170
Toxic other 16 Front Enemy Inflicts Badly Poisoned status.
Never misses if used by a Poison type.
2250 225
Trick Room other 20 Floor All Reverses Travel Speed increases and decreases. 1750 175
U-turn physical 17 Front Enemy Switch positions with the ally behind you. 1650 165
Venoshock special 16 Front Enemy Higher power if target is Poisoned or Badly Poisoned. 1600 160
Volt Switch special 17 Front Enemy Switch positions with the ally behind you. 1550 155
Waterfall physical 15 Front Enemy Chance to make target flinch. 1800 180
Wild Charge physical 15 Front Enemy You also take damage equal to 10% of max HP. 1700 170
Will-O-Wisp other 15 Front Enemy Inflicts Burned status. 1700 170
Work Up other 17 - Self Boosts your Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stage. 1750 175
X-Scissor physical 18 Front Enemy No additional effect. 1800 180