Pokemon Square

This is the central village of the game.

Kecleon Shop

Kecleon Shop is an item shop that changes merchandise every day.
Highly recommended to buy any Escape Orbs and Tiny Reviver Seeds you see.

Possible Items

Item Colors = After Fugitive Arc, After Murky Cave

Gravelerock10Totter Seed12Escape Orb300
Apple50Warp Seed25One-Shot Orb80
Max Ether100Protein2000Helper Orb50
Max Elixir175Iron2000Inviting Orb150
Oran Berry25Calcium2000Health Orb100
Cheri Berry12Zinc2000Rare Quality Orb100
Pecha Berry12Carbos2000Mobile Orb200
Life Seed5000Power Drink5000Reset Orb300
Sleep Seed15Accuracy Drink5000Invitation1000
Blast Seed30PP-Up Drink5000
Tiny Reviver Seed200Rollcall Orb25

Kecleon Wares

Kecleon Wares is a TM shop that changes merchandise every day.
Some TMs like Waterfall, Blizzard, Surf, Fly, and Sky Drop appear less frequently.

Possible TMs

Acrobatics1750Fly1850Sky Drop1600
Aerial Ace1800Focus Blast2500Sludge Bomb2200
Blizzard3000Frost Breath1750Sludge Wave2100
Brick Break1850Giga Impact2400Smack Down1700
Brutal Swing1750Grass Knot1860Smart Strike1750
Bulldoze2050Gyro Ball1550Snarl2550
Charge Beam1950Hyper Beam2550Solar Beam2100
Dark Pulse2000Ice Beam2450Steel Wing1900
Dazzling Gleam2000Leech Life1750Stone Edge1950
Dragon Claw1700Low Sweep1700Surf2000
Dragon Tail1850Overheat2250Thunder2150
Earthquake1950Poison Jab1800Thunderbolt2200
Energy Ball2250Psychic1900U-turn1650
Facade2400Psyshock1700Volt Switch1550
False Swipe1500Rock Slide2000Waterfall1800
Fire Blast2300Rock Tomb1900Wild Charge1700
Flame Charge1700Scald1900X-Scissor1800
Flamethrower2300Shadow Ball2300
Flash Cannon1700Shadow Claw1900


Store up to 999 of each item in the game (stored items aren't lost if you faint).
Treasure Box, Rescue Job, and Wish rewards automatically get sent to this storage.

Felicity Bank

Store up to 9,999,999 Poke (stored Poke isn't lost if you faint).
You can get 1 random free item per day by moving Poke into or out of your account.

Possible Daily Item

Max Ether
Oran Berry
Tiny Reviver Seed

Camp Corner

Shop where you purchase camps so that you can recruit specific pokemon to your team.
You can get a 20% discount if you have the Bargain Rare Quality and use a Wigglytuff Orb in a dungeon.
(See Camps for details)

Camp Corner List

Camp Colors = Available post-game.

Wild Plains-Safari600Treasure Sea9000
Sky-Blue Plains-Withering Desert900Deepsea Floor9000
Beau Plains2700Ravaged Field700Decrepit Lab6000
Thunder Crag600Scorched Plains700Waterfall Lake9000
Power Plant-Crater5000Evolution Forest9000
Mt. Discipline700Echo Cave2700Mystic Lake2500
Mt. Green700Boulder Cave700Magnetic Quarry700
Mt. Cleft700Frigid Cavern800Dragon Cave3000
Stump Forest-Tadpole Pond900Aged Chamber A-N9000
Flyaway Forest500Turtleshell Pond6000Aged Chamber O-?9000
Secretive Forest900Rub-a-Dub River3000Ancient Relic700
Vibrant Forest800Gourd Swamp9000Mt. Moonview7000
Mushroom Forest800Ice Floe Beach6000Darkness Ridge800
Overgrown Forest700Shallow Beach9000Final Island9000
Jungle500Bountiful Sea9000
Poison Swamp7000Serene Sea9000

Link Shop

Link or delink moves, relearn level-up moves, or be taught new moves (post-game).
You can also change which button moves are assigned to here.

  • Linking, delinking, and relearning moves is free.
  • Relearning moves only applies to moves learned via leveling up (pre-evolution included).
    • To be clear, you can't relearn TM or taught moves that you decided to forget.

Tutor Moves (Post-Game)

After YouNormalStatus8000Iron TailSteelPhysical9000
Ally SwitchPsychicStatus10000Knock OffDarkPhysical7000
Aqua TailWaterPhysical8000Laser FocusNormalStatus10000
BindNormalPhysical7000Last ResortNormalPhysical7000
Blast BurnFireSpecial11000LiquidationWaterPhysical10000
BlockNormalStatus7000Low KickFightingPhysical7000
BounceFlyingPhysical8000Magic CoatPsychicStatus8000
Bug BiteBugPhysical7000Magic RoomPsychicStatus8000
CovetNormalPhysical7000Magnet RiseElectricStatus8000
Draco MeteorDragonSpecial11000Pain SplitNormalStatus7000
Dragon AscentFlyingPhysical7000RecycleNormalStatus8000
Dragon PulseDragonSpecial9000Role PlayPsychicStatus7000
Drain PunchFightingPhysical8000Seed BombGrassPhysical9000
Drill RunGroundPhysical8000Shock WaveElectricSpecial8000
Dual ChopDragonPhysical7000Signal BeamBugSpecial9000
Earth PowerGroundSpecial10000Skill SwapPsychicStatus8000
ElectrowebElectricSpecial8000Sky AttackFlyingPhysical8000
Fire PledgeFireSpecial7000SnoreNormalSpecial9000
Fire PunchFirePhysical8000SpiteGhostStatus7000
Focus PunchFightingPhysical8000Stealth RockRockStatus8000
Foul PlayDarkPhysical9000Stomping TantrumGroundPhysical10000
Frenzy PlantGrassSpecial11000Super FangNormalPhysical7000
Gastro AcidPoisonStatus8000SuperpowerFightingPhysical10000
Giga DrainGrassSpecial8000SynthesisGrassStatus8000
Grass PledgeGrassSpecial7000TailwindFlyingStatus8000
Gunk ShotPoisonPhysical12000Throat ChopDarkPhysical10000
Heal BellNormalStatus8000Thunder PunchElectricPhysical8000
Heat WaveFireSpecial10000TrickPsychicStatus7000
Helping HandNormalStatus8000UproarNormalSpecial8000
Hydro CannonWaterSpecial11000Volt TackleElectricPhysical11000
Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial9000Water PledgeWaterSpecial7000
Ice PunchIcePhysical8000Water PulseWaterSpecial9000
Icy WindIceSpecial9000Wonder RoomPsychicStatus8000
Iron DefenseSteelStatus8000Worry SeedGrassStatus9000
Iron HeadSteelPhysical8000Zen HeadbuttPsychicPhysical8000

Post Office

This is where you go to take on rescue jobs for various rewards.
The amount of rescue points and Poke you earn from a rescue job depends on difficulty and depth.
The values from the difficulty and depth tables are added together for the total reward amount.
Quantity of items also increases based on depth.

Difficulty (Rescue Points + Poke)
Depth (Item Quantity + Rescue Points + Poke)
Item Qty12345678910

Bulletin Board

Available after clearing Thunderwave Cave, but rescue points can't be earned until Mt. Steel is completed.
The target depth is never deeper than 30F for any dungeon for Bulletin Board jobs.

Possible Rewards
Cover BandPerfect AppleMax ElixirAll Protect Orb
Defense ScarfSitrus BerryProteinBank Orb
Detect BandPecha BerryIronHelper Orb
Efficient BandannaBan SeedCalciumRare Quality Orb
Explosive BandBlast SeedZincReset Orb
Fickle SpecsDecoy SeedCarbosSee-Trap Orb
Fierce BandannaEmpowerment SeedPower DrinkStorage Orb
Gold RibbonEnergy SeedAccuracy DrinkTrapbust Orb
Heal RibbonLife SeedPP-Up DrinkWeather Lock Orb
Heavy Rotation SpecsPure SeedRainbow GummiWigglytuff Orb
InsomniscopeReviver SeedBronze Dojo Ticket
Joy RibbonSleep SeedSilver Dojo Ticket
Lucky RibbonStun SeedGold Dojo Ticket
Pass ScarfTiny Reviver Seed
Pecha ScarfTraining Seed
Persim BandViolent Seed
Power Band
Scope Lens
Special Band
Stamina Band
Twist Band
Warp Scarf
Zinc Band

Pelipper Post Office (Friend Rescue)

Possible Rewards
Big Apple
Max Elixir
Reviver Seed
Gold Ribbon
One-Room Orb?
Helper Orb
Storage Orb
Revive All Orb
All Protect Orb
Reset Orb
Sitrus Berry
Life Seed
Power Drink
Accuracy Drink
PP-Up Drink
Rainbow Gummi
DX Gummi??


Statues earned as rewards from increasing Team Rank are visible near the Bulletin Board.
Having a statue of a pokemon makes it so that you can encounter that pokemon in a dungeon.
The 4 available statues are Bonsly, Mime Jr., Weavile, and Lucario.
(See Team Rank for point requirements)

Makuhita Dojo

Dojo Drills

Facility where you spend Dojo Tickets to rapidly level up 1 Pokemon along with its moves.
Experience points earned during a dojo drill DOES NOT get shared with any other Pokemon.

TicketTimeExp per enemyMove Exp.
Bronze50 secondsRoughly level x 6x3.0
Silver55 secondsRoughly level x 12x5.0
Gold60 secondsRoughly level x 18x7.0
Experience Points
  • Exp = (Level x 6 + Species) x (1 + Ticket + SE) x (1 + RQ)
    • Level → Level you entered the dojo (Lv100 is treated as Lv99)
    • Species → 2 or 4 or 6 (See enemy species values table below)
    • Ticket → 0 or 1 or 2 (Bronze = 0, Silver = 1, Gold = 2)
    • SE → 0 or 0.5 (Defeated using super-effective move = 0.5, any other move = 0)
    • RQ → 0 or 1 (XP Boost = 1, all other Rare Qualities = 0)
Enemy Species Values
GhostBeldumMr. MimeGallade
SteelAzurillMr. MimeArmaldo

Tricks of the Trade

Tutorial facility that offers rewards for completing a topic for the first time.

Use moves!Apple x 4
Dash through the dungeon!Reviver Seed x 3
Push a Pokemon!Escape Orb x 5
Pass by a teammate!Gold Ribbon x 1
Change directions without moving!Max Elixir x 4
Use items!Bronze Dojo Ticket x 3
Moving diagonally!Slumber Wand x 10

Luminous Cave

This is where you go to evolve pokemon (post-game).
A pokemon must meet the level and/or item requirements before it can evolve.

  • Each time a Pokemon evolves, it gains +10 HP and +3 to all other stats.


Rarely appears after finishing the fugitive arc of the main story (walks from right to left).
Talk to Munchlax before they leave the screen to see 1 of 2 random events and obtain a reward.

  • Event 1 - Hungry Munchlax
    • Munchlax gives you an item as thanks if you give them food (not Grimy Food).
  • Event 2 - Munchlax drops apples
    • Munchlax gives you an item as thanks if you pick up and return the apples to them.

Possible Rewards

Big Eater Belt
Munch Belt
Tight Belt
Reviver Seed
Rainbow Gummi
DX Gummi
Bronze Dojo Ticket
Silver Dojo Ticket
Gold Dojo Ticket