

Status List

Status Colors = Good, Neutral, Bad
Cause / Counter Colors = Item, Trap, Move, Ability

StatusCategoryEffectCausesCures / Counters
QuickSpeedMove 2 times per turn.
This effect can stack up to x4 speed.
Non-movement action ends turn immediately.
(Each speed boost is tracked individually)
Quick Seed, Quick Orb,
Speed Boost, Quick Feet,
Agility, Tailwind, etc.
6 turns elapsing from
the perspective of regular
speed pokemon.

In terms of steps:
x2 = 12 steps
x3 = 18 steps
x4 = 24 steps
SlowSpeed1 action every 2 turns.Slow Wand, Slow Orb,
Slow Trap, String Shot, etc.
10 turns elapsing from
the perspective of regular
speed pokemon.
ExplosionReactionExplodes in a 2 tile radius when damaged by
an attack (Same effect as Big Blast Trap).
Explosion1 turn elapses,
receive damage
Self-DestructReactionExplodes in a 1 tile radius when damaged by
an attack (Same effect as Blast Trap).
Self-Destruct1 turn elapses,
receive damage
EnduringEvadeSurvive any attack with 1 HP remaining.
(No effect vs. weather or ailment damage)
Endure1 turn elapses
ProtectEvadeProtect against any attack.
(No effect vs. blast damage or item effects)
Protect1 turn elapses, Feint
Spiky ShieldEvadeProtect against any attack.
If the attacker made contact, deal 10 damage.
(No effect vs. blast damage or item effects)
Spiky Shield1 turn elapses, Feint
Quick GuardEvadeProtect against attacks by faraway Pokemon.
(No effect vs. blast damage or item effects)
Quick Guard1 turn elapses, Feint
Wide GuardEvadeProtect against wide range attacks.
(No effect vs. blast damage or item effects)
Wide Guard1 turn elapses, Feint
TransformBodyLooks, type, moves, ability, walk type, and stat
modifiers are the same as the copied target.
(Copied moves have full PP)
TransformChange floors, faint
ParalysisAilmentCan't use any moves.
Travel Speed is decreased by 1 stage.
(Electric types can't get this status)
Grimy Food, Effect Spore,
Static, Nuzzle, Stun Spore,
Thunder Wave, etc.
Cheri Berry, Limber,
receive damage (chance)

30 turns elapsing from
the perspective of regular
speed pokemon.
PoisonedAilmentOccasionally lose 40 HP as turns elapse.
(Poison and Steel types can't get this status)
Grimy Food, Poison Trap,
Toxic Spikes, Effect Spore,
Poison Point, Poison Gas,
Poison Powder, etc.
Pecha Berry, Pecha Scarf,
Immunity, Poison Heal
Badly PoisonedAilmentOccasionally lose 60 HP as turns elapse.
(Poison and Steel types can't get this status)
Toxic, Poison FangPecha Berry, Pecha Scarf,
Immunity, Poison Heal
BurnAilmentAttack is reduced.
Occasionally lose 20 HP as turns elapse.
(Fire types can't get this status)
Grimy Food, Flame Body,
Will-O-Wisp, lava tiles, etc.
Step on a water tile,
Rawst Berry, Water Veil
StuckPinningCan't move from current position.
Knockback or warp effects from moves or
items are still effective.
(Ghost types can't get this status)
Grimy Food, Lasso Orb,
Arena Trap, Shadow Tag,
Magnet Pull, Mean Look,
Spider Web, Block
6 turns elapse, Run Away,
receive knockback or warp
WhirlpoolPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Whirlpool6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
ClampPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Clamp6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
BoundPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Bind, Wrap6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
Sand TombPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Sand Tomb6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
InfestationPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Infestation6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
Fire SpinPinningCan't move from current position.
Lose 3 HP every 2 turns.
Fire Spin6 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
receive knockback or warp
IngrainPinningCan't move from current position.
Heal 15 HP every 2 turns (3 times total).
Immune to knockback effects.
Ingrain6 turns elapse, warp
PetrifiedFreezeCan't take any action.
Wears off when the Pokemon takes damage.
For leader only, wears off after 20 turns.
(Press A facing a petrified ally to cure them)
Stun Seed, Petrify Wand,
Foe-Hold Orb, Petrify Orb,
Stayaway Wand
20 turns elapse (leader),
receive damage
FrozenFreezeCan't take any action.
(Ice types can't get this status)
Blizzard, Ice Beam, etc.3 turns elapse, Scald,
Magma Armor, Shield Dust,
get hit by a Fire type move,
receive damage (chance),
sunlight, stand on lava tile
EncoreMindCan only use the last used move for a while.
(Items can still be used)
Encore11 turns elapse
TauntMindCan only use damaging moves for a while.Taunt11 turns elapse, Oblivious
EyedropsSightThe Pokemon can see hidden traps.
(Goggle Specs has the same effect)
Eyedrop SeedChange floors
BlinkerSightThe Pokemon can't see, map icons are hidden.
Can't switch leaders, attacks can hit allies.
(Non-leader Pokemon walk in a straight line)
Grimy Food, Blinker Seed,
5 turns elapse,
Eyedrop Seed
DiggingChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
Avoid moves besides Earthquake/Magnitude.
(Earthquake/Magnitude deal x2.0 damage)
Dig1 turn elapses
Razor WindChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Razor Wind1 turn elapses
BideChargeCan't move for a few turns, then attacks.
Attack deals x1.5 damage received.
Bide, Avalanche, Revenge3 turns elapse
Focus PunchChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
(Status isn't canceled if you take damage)
Focus Punch1 turn elapses
Phantom ForceChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Phantom Force1 turn elapses
Sky AttackChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Sky Attack1 turn elapses
ChargingChargeDoubles damage of Electric move next turn.
(Status is removed next turn even if you don't
use an Electric type move on that turn)
Charge1 turn elapses
Solar BeamChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Solar Beam1 turn elapses
FlyingChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
Avoid moves besides Smack Down/Gust/
Thunder/Sky Uppercut/Twister/Hurricane.
(Gust/Twister deal x2.0 damage)
Fly1 turn elapses, Gravity,
Smack Down
DiveChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
Avoid moves besides Whirlpool/Surf.
(Whirlpool/Surf deal x2.0 damage)
Dive1 turn elapses
SuspendedChargeCan't take any action.
Occurs when you're the target of Sky Drop.
Status is removed when damaged next turn.
(Flying types won't receive damage)
Sky Drop1 turn elapses, Gravity
BouncingChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
Avoid moves besides Smack Down/Gust/
Thunder/Sky Uppercut/Twister/Hurricane.
(Gust/Twister deal x2.0 damage)
Fly1 turn elapses, Gravity,
Smack Down
Doom DesireChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Doom Desire1 turn elapses
Sky DropChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.
Avoid moves besides Smack Down/Gust/
Thunder/Sky Uppercut/Twister/Hurricane.
(Gust/Twister deal x2.0 damage)
Sky Drop1 turn elapses,
Smack Down
Future SightChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Future Sight1 turn elapses
Skull BashChargeStatus is removed when attacking next turn.Skull Bash1 turn elapses
YawningSleepFall asleep after 2 turns elapse.Yawn, Truant2 turns elapse, Uproar,
Chesto Berry, Insomniscope,
Insomnia, Vital Spirit
NightmareSleepCan't take any action.
Susceptible to Dream Eater.
Receive 10 damage when waking up.
Nightmare7 turns elapse, Uproar,
Wake-Up Slap, Chesto Berry,
Insomniscope, Insomnia,
Vital Spirit
SleepSleepCan't take any action.
Susceptible to Dream Eater.
Sleep Seed, Slumber Wand,
Slumber Orb, Slumber Trap,
Sleep Powder, Hypnosis,
Effect Spore, etc.
8 turns elapse, Uproar,
receive damage (chance),
Wake-Up Slap, Chesto Berry,
Insomniscope, Insomnia,
Vital Spirit
SleeplessSleepCan't become afflicted with Yawning, Sleep,
Nightmare, or Napping status.
Uproar, Chesto Berry,
Change floors
NappingSleepCan't take any action.
Susceptible to Dream Eater.
HP and status fully restored when waking up.
Rest5 turns elapse, Uproar,
Chesto Berry, Insomniscope,
Insomnia, Vital Spirit
CounterReflectWhen damaged by a physical attack move,
reflects the same amount of damage back
to the adjacent attacker (Can't cut corners).
Counter, Payback6 turns elapse
Magic CoatReflectReflects status moves that lower stats or
inflict status conditions + most wand effects.
Magic Coat, Magic Bounce6 turns elapse (Magic Coat)
Mirror CoatReflectWhen damaged by a special attack move,
reflects the same amount of damage back
to the adjacent attacker (Can't cut corners).
Mirror Coat6 turns elapse
Metal BurstReflectWhen damaged by any attacking move,
reflects 75% of damage back to the adjacent
attacker (Can't cut corners).
Metal Burst6 turns elapse
Low HPNoneRemaining HP ≤ ~25% of max HP.
Overgrow, Blaze, Torrent, and Swarm activate.
HP ≤ ~25%HP goes above ~25%
Aqua RingNoneHeal 6 HP every 2 turns (3 times total).Aqua Ring6 turns elapse
PuppetNoneThe Pokemon is forced to use a move or item.
The forced action ends your turn.
Hypnosis when target is
asleep (leader)
1 turn elapses
Gastro AcidNoneThe Pokemon's ability is disabled.Gastro Acid21 turns elapse
EnragedNoneThe Pokemon's Attack increases by 1 stage
whenever the Pokemon takes damage from
attacking moves or a Spiky Trap.
Rage11 turns elapse
Aurora VeilNoneReduces damage received from any attacking
moves by 50%.
Aurora Veil21 turns elapse, Brick Break
DecoyNoneEnemies prioritize attacking the decoy.Decoy Orb, Spotlight,
Rage Powder, Illuminate
6 turns elapse, different
Pokemon becomes a decoy
TerrifiedNoneNon-leader: Runs away from opponent.
Leader: Can't use moves, pick up or use items,
look around, change leader, or advance floors.
Hypnosis when target is
asleep (ally), Stench
11 turns elapse
Lucky ChantNoneThe Pokemon won't receive critical hits.Lucky Chant, Lucky Ribbon21 turns elapse (Lucky Chant)
GrudgeNoneWhen you get hit by an attacker's move, the
PP for the attacker's move is reduced to 0.
This happens even if you're defeated.
Grudge, Grudge Trap2 turns elapse
Heal BlockNoneHP doesn't naturally regenerate.
Can't use moves or items that restore HP.
Heal Block6 turns elapse
AwakenedNoneThe Pokemon is powered up.
Linked moves always hit critically and ignore
type disadvantages, and Pokemon who can
mega evolve do so.
Empowerment Seed,
defeat a Pokemon (enemy)
Get a bad status, faint,
Reset Orb
InvitingNonePokemon you defeat are more likely to join.
(Boosts recruit rate by +25.0%)
Inviting OrbChange floors
Focus EnergyNoneCritical hit rate is boosted.Focus Energy4 turns elapse
FaintedNoneThe guest is collapsed and unable to move.
Use an item to revive them if desired.
Guest's HP falls to 0Tiny Reviver Seed,
Reviver Seed
BoostedNoneAttack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Accuracy,
or Evasion has been boosted (max 10 stages).
Various items and movesWonder Tile, Clear Smog,
HealthyNoneProtects against bad statuses aside from
Truant and Recoil, and prevents stats from
being lowered by the user or other Pokemon.
Health OrbChange floors
ConfusedNoneMovement and attack direction is random.
Wands and projectiles can be used normally.
The Pokemon's moves can hit party members.
Totter Seed, Grimy Food,
Totter Orb, Confuse Wand,
Spin Trap, Confuse Ray,
Supersonic, etc.
8 turns elapse, Persim Band,
Own Tempo
EmbargoNoneCan't use items, held item effect nullified.Embargo6 turns elapse
Throat ChopNoneCan't use sound based moves.Throat ChopChange floors
SwampNoneAccuracy and Evasion are sharply reduced.Use both Grass Pledge
and Water Pledge at once
5 turns elapse
WeakenedNoneAttack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Accuracy,
or Evasion has been reduced (max 10 stages).
Mud Trap, various movesWonder Tile, Clear Smog,
Haze, Mist, Health Orb,
Twist Band, Clear Body, etc.
MistNoneStats can't be lowered by enemies or traps.Mist21 turns elapse
SafeguardNonePokemon is protected against bad statuses.Safeguard21 turns elapse
StockpilingNonePokemon is storing power using Stockpile.
Stockpile count affects Swallow and Spit Up.
Max Stockpile count is 3.
StockpileSwallow, Spit Up
TrainedNoneMoves grow faster when they are used.Training Seed,
Training Switch
Change floors
GroundedNoneCan't use floating movement, susceptible to
Ground type attacks.
Smack Down10 turns elapse, Fly, Bounce
MobileNonePokemon can traverse any type of tile.
Belly depletes by 5 per turn in walls.
Mobile Orb, Mobile ScarfChange floors (Mobile Orb)
TelekinesisNonePokemon is levitating and can't move.
Evasion is reduced, immune to Ground moves.
Telekinesis6 turns elapse, Gravity,
receive knockback or warp
Magnet RiseNonePokemon is levitating.
Evasion is reduced, immune to Ground moves.
Magnet Rise10 turns elapse, Gravity,
Smack Down
Laser FocusNonePokemon's moves always hit critically.Laser Focus2 turns elapse
TruantNoneCan't use moves, but can use items.
(Can't prevent this even with Healthy status)
Truant1 turn elapses
RainbowNoneMove's additional effects occur more often.Use both Water Pledge
and Fire Pledge at once
5 turns elapse
WishNoneHP is restored by 75% at end of next turn.
Adjacent party members are also healed.
(Recovery Scarf → heals immediately)
Wish2 turns elapse
CursedNoneLose 25% HP after taking an action.Curse2 turns elapse
RecoilNoneCan't take any action.Hyper Beam, Giga Impact,
Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn,
Hydro Cannon, etc.
1 turn elapses
Light ScreenNoneReduces damage received from special attack
moves by 50%, excluding fixed damage.
Light Screen21 turns elapse, Brick Break
Sure ShotNonePokemon's moves always hit.
(Doesn't affect accuracy of thrown items)
Lock-On, Mind Reader4 turns elapse
Sea of FireNoneTake 15 damage at the end of turn.
(Fire types can't get this status)
Use both Fire Pledge
and Grass Pledge at once
4 turns elapse,
step on a water tile
FlinchNoneCan't use moves, but can use items.Quash, Bite, Fake Out,
Headbutt, Hyper Fang, etc.
1 turn elapses, Inner Focus,
Shield Dust, Steadfast
AutotomizeNonePokemon gets lighter, reducing damage taken
from moves like Low Kick and Grass Knot but
raising damage taken from Heavy Slam.
AutotomizeChange floors
Perish SongNonePokemon faints after 3 turns elapse.Perish SongSoundproof
SubstituteNoneHP regen stops, and enemies won't target you.
Can't use moves, items, stairs, or swap leader.
Substitute11 turns elapse
Destiny BondNoneWhen the Pokemon who used Destiny Bond
takes damage, the target with this status
takes the same amount of damage.
Destiny Bond6 turns elapse,
Destiny Bond user faints
ExposedNoneGhost type loses its immunity to Normal and
Fighting type moves.
Odor Sleuth, ForesightChange floors
Miracle EyeNoneDark type loses its immunity to Psychic type
Miracle EyeChange floors
LethargicNoneCan't take any action.Foe-Seal Orb, Grimy Food8 turns elapse
InfatuatedNoneMoves sometimes fail when used.Decoy Seed, Attract,
Cute Charm
6 turns elapse, Oblivious
Leech SeedNoneSiphons 5 HP every 2 turns for 4 turns.
(Grass types can't get this status)
Leech Seed4 turns elapse, Rapid Spin,
Leech Seed user faints
SnatchNoneSnatches the effect of a healing or status
move used by a Pokemon in the same room.
Snatch6 turns elapse,
other Pokemon uses Snatch
ReflectNoneReduces damage received from physical
attack moves by 50%, excluding fixed damage.
(Doesn't reduce damage from projectiles)
Reflect21 turns elapse, Brick Break
RoundNoneIf Round is used again, its power increases.Round1 turn elapses
SealedNoneOne or more moves are currently sealed.
Sealed moves cannot be used.
Seal Trap, Torment, Disable,
Imprison, Cursed Body
Change floors, Max Elixir


StatusCategoryEffectCausesCures / Counters