Ravine of the Dead

Dungeon where lots of Stairway Traps appear, and only 1 item is generated on each floor.
You're expected to bring items to stand a chance, as the monster table ramps up in difficulty very quickly.
Exclusives include Gaze Shield, Prism Shield, and Homing Blade, which can only be found between 41-50F.
The objective is to rescue Pekeji (who is located on 26F) before the Ravine of the Dead claims his life.
After the 1st clear, Transport Patterns can be found from 26F onwards to escape from the dungeon.
Overall, it's considered to be the hardest dungeon that allows carry-in items in this game.


Unlock1. Clear the main story.
2. Finish the Pekeji side quest.
3. Finish the Bungee Jump side quest.
4. Talk to the old lady inside the Canyon Hamlet Inn.
5. Go on an adventure and return.
6. Hear Pekeji's voice inside the Canyon Hamlet Inn.
7. Go on an adventure and return.
7. Hear Pekeji's voice again.
8. Go to Janus Valley and talk to Butafooter.
EntranceJanus Valley (First broken spot on bridge)
Floors50F (Can escape from 26F)
Bring ItemsYesAllies
Bring GitanYesBring Level UpsYes
Starting ItemNone
ShopsNoMonster HousesYes
Clear IconReward

Special Monster House Floors

Guard dogs-----

Rare Items

Gaze Shield, Prism Shield, Homing Blade

As mentioned in the intro, this dungeon has 3 exclusive items - Gaze Shield, Prism Shield, and Homing Blade.
Gaze Shield and Prism Shield have a chance of being generated between 41-45F and on 50F.
Homing Blade has a chance of being generated between 46-50F.

The dungeon loops endlessly once you reach 50F (Descend stairs on 50F → Next floor is 50F again),
and the 1 item per floor rule doesn't apply to Monster Houses, so it's not as bad as it probably sounds.
But it can still take a lot of time to hunt down one of each item, so some prefer to use Rescue Passwords.

To increase your chances, you could bring Monster Scrolls and read them on 50F to generate more items.
Otherwise, there isn't much you can do to speed up the search aside from using an Armband of Sight.




Kabra Reborn+99149One-shot most monsters.
Firebrand+99119One-shot many monsters, still comfortable.
Kabra's Blade+7082You really should upgrade this to Kabra Reborn.
Mastersword+6068Lack of power is noticeable, but fine for the 1st clear.
Katana+5056Minimum you should bring for the 1st clear.

Weapon Melds

Razor Wind + Pickaxe* lets you strike incoming monsters first in hallways if you dig out a wall tile.
Bufu's Cleaver is needed to sustain fullness, and meat has all sorts of great uses.
(Many of these meld abilities are easily obtained using Rescue Passwords)

Icon Item Effect
golden blade Golden Blade Weapon won't rust from traps or monster attacks.
(Doesn't stop Lv3-4 Green Slimes from erasing meld abilities)
razor wind Razor Wind Attack in 3 forward directions.
bufus cleaver Bufu's Cleaver Chance to turn defeated monsters into meat.
pickaxe gold Pickaxe* Dig through walls, the weapon never breaks.
dragonkiller Dragonkiller Deal x2.0 damage to Dragon types.
sickle slayer Sickle Slayer Deal x2.0 damage to Ghost types.
cyclops killer Cyclops Killer Deal x2.0 damage to One-Eyed types.
drain buster Drain Buster Deal x2.0 damage to Drain types.
crescent arm Crescent Arm Deal x2.0 damage to Exploding types.
air slayer Air Slayer Deal x2.0 damage to Floating types.

Pickaxe* = Unbreakable Pickaxe obtained from the Blacksmith.


Stormward+99149Receive 1 damage from monsters.
Windshield+7082You really should upgrade this to Stormward.
Armor Ward+5564Should be fine for the 1st clear.
Iron Shield+4551Minimum you should bring for the 1st clear.

Shield Melds

Gold Shield, Dragonward, Blast Shield, and Walrus Shield are top priority.
Evasive Shield and Spiked Ward are particularly good if your shield strength is low.
(Many of these meld abilities are easily obtained using Rescue Passwords)

Icon Item Effect
gold shield Gold Shield Shield won't rust from traps or monster attacks.
(Doesn't stop Lv3-4 Green Slimes from erasing meld abilities)
dragonward Dragonward Reduces fire damage by 50%.
blast shield Blast Shield Reduces explosion damage by 50%.
walrus shield Walrus Shield Protects items and Gitan from being stolen.
hide shield Hide Shield Halves hunger rate (1 fullness / 20 turns).
evasive shield Evasive Shield Increases your chance to evade enemy direct attacks.
spiked ward Spiked Ward Reflect 1/3 of damage received. (6 or less damage = 1)


Armband of SightReveals the locations of characters and items.
(Also makes you able to see invisible monsters such as Air Devil)
Trap ArmbandReveal Stairway Traps, check for hidden traps when you enter a new room.
Sleepless ArmbandFor Sleep Radish (7-10F).

Other Items

Rare items like Bufu's Staff and Herb of Revival are great as well.

Chiropractic Jar [5]Bring at least 3 of these.
Air Devil MeatTurn invisible - Great for Monster Houses, etc.
Scroll of RemovalProbably best thrown at a Dragon family monster.
(Can use a Blank Scroll instead of the real thing)
Scroll of Blessing
Curse Girl Meat
Nice to have in case key items get cursed.
Doppelganger StaffUseful for a variety of situations.
Staff of PostponeUse with Armband of Sight to quickly locate the stairs.
Staff of ParalysisParalyze monsters with troublesome special attacks.
Staff of StabilityProtects jars from breaking when tripped by Dremlas types.
Switching StaffHurry to the stairs in a Monster House, etc.
Scroll of NeedNice to have in case you get surrounded.
Scroll of ConfusionFor Monster Houses or such.
Blank ScrollUse it as a Destruction Scroll, etc.

Floor Guide


Eating Air Devil type meat is the best way to deal with Monster Houses in this dungeon.

Swap to Trap Armband to check for traps when entering rooms, then switch back to Armband of Sight.
The exception to this is Sleep Radish (7-10F) floors, where you'll want to use Sleepless Armband instead.
Equipping a Trap Armband instantly reveals all Stairway Traps.

Don't get lazy about using items against troublesome monsters like Super Gaze - Direct attacks can still miss.
(It's fine to rely on direct attacks if you have the homing blade Homing Blade meld ability from this dungeon).


Monsters aren't a threat if you brought the suggested items.
Throw a Scroll of Removal at a dragon 1 Dragon (2-4F) to banish Ark Dragon and Hell Dragon from the adventure.
Hunt air devil 1 Air Devil (1-2F) to stock up on Air Devil Meat if you have Bufu's Cleaver melded.


Monsters are generally easy, but there are some special attacks you'll want to watch out for.
Remember to equip a Sleepless Armband between 7-10F for Sleep Radishes.

gaze 2 Super Gaze (3-6F) has 51 HP and hypnotizes Shiren, forcing item usage or an attack.
field bandit 3 Item Bandit (4-6F) has 35 HP and can turn an inventory item into Weeds when adjacent.
dremlas 2 Madremlas (5-8F) has 60 HP and makes Shiren trip and drop items, which can cause jars to break.
curse girl 3 Curse Mom (7-10F) has 56 HP and curses 1 inventory item, sealing its abilities or making it unusable.
cell armor 3 Steel Armor (9-12F) has 80 HP and knocks away your equipped weapon or shield when adjacent.
flying fowl 3 Hover Fowl (11-14F) has 45 HP and electrifies 1 herb, scroll, or staff in your inventory, destroying the item.
green slime 3 Grey Slime (11-20F) has 70 HP, can multiply when hit, and either rusts equipment or erases 1 meld ability.


rice baby 3 Rice Boss (5-8F) has 38 HP and inflicts Shiren with Riceball status, nullifying stats from equipment.
ghost radish 3 Sleep Radish (7-10F) has 55 HP and throws Sleeping Herb within 3 tiles, or Poison Herb if you're asleep.
skull mage 3 Skull Wraith (9-12F) has 60 HP and shoots a magic bullet (Riceball, Paralyzed, Slow, Sealed, Confused, Level-1).
dragon 2 Sky Dragon (10-13F) has 100 HP and spews a 40 damage (20 w/Dragonward) flame from anywhere in the room.
popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (15-20F) has 50 HP, Swift 2 speed, and fires a 40 damage (20 w/Blast Shield) cannon.
fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (16-20F) has 60 HP and casts a spell that stops HP regen / drains HP from anywhere in the room.


Monsters are Lv3-4 now, and the lineup of special attacks becomes quite nasty.
The goal for the 1st clear is to find Pekeji who can be found on all floors starting on 26F.
If you're using weaker equipment, consider escaping on 26F and coming back for the exclusive items later.
dark eye 4 Fear Eye (26-35F), mecharoid 4 Bioroid (26-50F), and gather 4 Fallen Gather (30-50F) hit hard if your shield is weak.

gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (20-25F) has 70 HP and hypnotizes Shiren, forcing item usage or an attack.
field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (21-30F) has 50 HP and can turn an inventory item into Weeds when adjacent.
curse girl 3 Curse Gran (27-35F) has 72 HP and curses 1 inventory item, sealing its abilities or making it unusable.
cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (28-37F) has 100 HP and knocks away your equipped weapon, shield, or armband.
green slime 4 Red Slime (30-38F) has 100 HP, can multiply when hit, and either rusts equipment or erases 1 meld ability.
flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (36-40F) has 80 HP and electrifies a jar, destroying both the jar and contents.


dragon 3 Ark Dragon (20-31F) has 120 HP and spews a 50 damage (25 w/Dragonward) flame from anywhere on the floor.
ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (29-33F) has 70 HP and throws Kigny Seed within 3 tiles, or Poison Herb if you're berserk.
skull mage 4 Skull Demon (31-38F) has 75 HP and shoots a magic bullet (Riceball, Sleepy, Blinded, 40 damage, Level-3).
rice baby 4 Rice Master (31-50F) has 70 HP and inflicts Shiren with Riceball status or turns inventory items into riceballs.
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (32-50F) has 80 HP, Swift 2 speed, and fires a 50 damage (25 w/Blast Shield) cannon.
fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (38-50F) has 70 HP and casts a spell that stops HP regen / drains HP from anywhere on the floor.


The monster table doesn't change much from this point, but powerful monsters including Hell Dragon appear.
The goal around here is to search for Gaze Shield & Prism Shield (41-45F, 50F) and Homing Blade (46-50F).
Monster direct attacks shouldn't be an issue if you have a Stormward+99.

flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (36-40F) has 80 HP and electrifies a jar, destroying both the jar and contents.
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (36-50F) has 100 HP and steals 1 item from your inventory or the ground, then vanishes.
gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (40-50F) has 90 HP and hypnotizes Shiren, forcing item usage or an attack.
green slime 4 Red Slime (45-50F) has 100 HP, can multiply when hit, and either rusts equipment or erases 1 meld ability.


dragon 4 Hell Dragon (39-50F) has 150 HP and spews a 60 damage (30 w/Dragonward) flame from anywhere on the floor.
rice baby 4 Rice Master (31-50F) has 70 HP and inflicts Shiren with Riceball status or turns inventory items into riceballs.
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (32-50F) has 80 HP, Swift 2 speed, and fires a 50 damage (25 w/Blast Shield) cannon.
fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (38-50F) has 70 HP and casts a spell that stops HP regen / drains HP from anywhere on the floor.
tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (44-50F) has 100 HP and throws other monsters at Shiren or such (Range of 20 tiles).


See Monsters for individual monster details.

  • H - Monster House is possible

Numbers in parentheses are HP values.
Spawn Rates: Low Medium High

F H Monsters
1 pacorepkin 2 Pacorepkina (45) ironhead 2 Chainhead (50) hen 2 Master Hen (50) parthenos 2 Mistonos (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
air devil 1 Air Devil (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) green slime 2 Purple Slime (40)
2 pacorepkin 2 Pacorepkina (45) ironhead 2 Chainhead (50) hen 2 Master Hen (50) parthenos 2 Mistonos (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
air devil 1 Air Devil (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) green slime 2 Purple Slime (40) floor dragon 2 Dragon Head (70) dragon 1 Dragon (90)
3 pacorepkin 2 Pacorepkina (45) ironhead 2 Chainhead (50) gaze 2 Super Gaze (51) parthenos 2 Mistonos (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
taur 2 Minotaur (55) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) green slime 2 Purple Slime (40) floor dragon 2 Dragon Head (70) dragon 1 Dragon (90)
gather 2 Killer Gather (60) egg thing 2 Running Egg (5)
4 field bandit 3 Item Bandit (35) popster tank 2 Dadster Tank (40) gaze 2 Super Gaze (51) parthenos 2 Mistonos (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
taur 2 Minotaur (55) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) firepuff 3 Blazepuff (40) floor dragon 2 Dragon Head (70) dragon 1 Dragon (90)
gather 2 Killer Gather (60) egg thing 2 Running Egg (5) tiger uho 2 Tiger Uhoho (65)
5 field bandit 3 Item Bandit (35) popster tank 2 Dadster Tank (40) gaze 2 Super Gaze (51) rice baby 3 Rice Boss (38) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
taur 2 Minotaur (55) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) firepuff 3 Blazepuff (40) dremlas 2 Madremlas (60)
gather 2 Killer Gather (60) egg thing 2 Running Egg (5) tiger uho 2 Tiger Uhoho (65)
6 field bandit 3 Item Bandit (35) popster tank 2 Dadster Tank (40) gaze 2 Super Gaze (51) rice baby 3 Rice Boss (38) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
taur 2 Minotaur (55) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) firepuff 3 Blazepuff (40) dremlas 2 Madremlas (60)
gather 2 Killer Gather (60) egg thing 3 Flying Egg (8) tiger uho 2 Tiger Uhoho (65)
7 dark eye 3 Shadow Eye (40) popster tank 2 Dadster Tank (40) ghost radish 3 Sleep Radish (55) rice baby 3 Rice Boss (38) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
curse girl 3 Curse Mom (56) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) firepuff 3 Blazepuff (40) dremlas 2 Madremlas (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
egg thing 3 Flying Egg (8) tiger uho 2 Tiger Uhoho (65)
8 dark eye 3 Shadow Eye (40) death reaper 3 Death Angel (65) ghost radish 3 Sleep Radish (55) rice baby 3 Rice Boss (38) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
curse girl 3 Curse Mom (56) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) air devil 2 Wraith Devil (50) dremlas 2 Madremlas (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
egg thing 3 Flying Egg (8)
9 dark eye 3 Shadow Eye (40) death reaper 3 Death Angel (65) ghost radish 3 Sleep Radish (55) piggy 2 Piggo (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
curse girl 3 Curse Mom (56) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) air devil 2 Wraith Devil (50) skull mage 3 Skull Wraith (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
cell armor 3 Steel Armor (80) egg thing 3 Flying Egg (8) spike bomb 2 Spike Blast (80)
10 dark eye 3 Shadow Eye (40) death reaper 3 Death Angel (65) ghost radish 3 Sleep Radish (55) piggy 2 Piggo (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
curse girl 3 Curse Mom (56) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) air devil 2 Wraith Devil (50) skull mage 3 Skull Wraith (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
cell armor 3 Steel Armor (80) egg thing 3 Flying Egg (8) spike bomb 2 Spike Blast (80) dragon 2 Sky Dragon (100)
11 flying fowl 3 Hover Fowl (45) death reaper 3 Death Angel (65) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) piggy 2 Piggo (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
thiefwalrus 3 Ironwalrus (70) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) air devil 2 Wraith Devil (50) skull mage 3 Skull Wraith (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
cell armor 3 Steel Armor (80) spike bomb 2 Spike Blast (80) dragon 2 Sky Dragon (100)
12 flying fowl 3 Hover Fowl (45) mecharoid 3 Electroid (70) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) piggy 2 Piggo (50) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
thiefwalrus 3 Ironwalrus (70) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) mamel 3 Cave Mamel (5) skull mage 3 Skull Wraith (60) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
cell armor 3 Steel Armor (80) hen 3 Great Hen (60) spike bomb 2 Spike Blast (80) dragon 2 Sky Dragon (100)
13 flying fowl 3 Hover Fowl (45) mecharoid 3 Electroid (70) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) leech worm 3 Leech Fly (41) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
thiefwalrus 3 Ironwalrus (70) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) mamel 3 Cave Mamel (5) dragon 2 Sky Dragon (100) baby tengu 3 Tengu Chief (40)
hen 3 Great Hen (60)
14 flying fowl 3 Hover Fowl (45) mecharoid 3 Electroid (70) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) leech worm 3 Leech Fly (41) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
thiefwalrus 3 Ironwalrus (70) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) mamel 3 Cave Mamel (5)
hen 3 Great Hen (60)
15 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) mecharoid 3 Electroid (70) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) leech worm 3 Leech Fly (41) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) mamel 3 Cave Mamel (5) ironhead 3 Gigahead (70) parthenos 3 Verginos (70)
taur 3 Megataur (90) hen 3 Great Hen (60)
16 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (60) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) leech worm 3 Leech Fly (41) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) gather 3 Hell Gather (90) ironhead 3 Gigahead (70) parthenos 3 Verginos (70)
taur 3 Megataur (90) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) air devil 3 Mirage Devil (50)
17 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (60) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) leech worm 3 Leech Fly (41) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) gather 3 Hell Gather (90) ironhead 3 Gigahead (70) parthenos 3 Verginos (70)
taur 3 Megataur (90) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) air devil 3 Mirage Devil (50)
18 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (60) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) gather 3 Hell Gather (90) ironhead 3 Gigahead (70) parthenos 3 Verginos (70)
taur 3 Megataur (90) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) air devil 3 Mirage Devil (50)
19 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (60) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) gather 3 Hell Gather (90) ironhead 3 Gigahead (70) parthenos 3 Verginos (70)
taur 3 Megataur (90) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) air devil 3 Mirage Devil (50)
20 popster tank 3 Oldster Tank (50) fog hermit 3 Mist Hermit (60) green slime 3 Grey Slime (70) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
pacorepkin 3 Pacorepking (60) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) gather 3 Hell Gather (90) firepuff 4 Infernopuff (80) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) air devil 3 Mirage Devil (50)
21 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) spike bomb 3 Spike Fire (120) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) dremlas 3 Hardremlas (130) firepuff 4 Infernopuff (80) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
22 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) spike bomb 3 Spike Fire (120) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) firepuff 4 Infernopuff (80) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
23 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) spike bomb 3 Spike Fire (120) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) piggy 3 Piggora (70) firepuff 4 Infernopuff (80) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
24 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) spike bomb 3 Spike Fire (120) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) piggy 3 Piggora (70) firepuff 4 Infernopuff (80) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55)
25 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) nduba 3 N'Bama (40) spike bomb 3 Spike Fire (120) gaze 3 Hyper Gaze (70) evil soldier 3 Evil General (30)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) floor dragon 3 Dirt Dragon (80)
26 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
27 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) tiger uho 3 Tiger Uhon (80) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10)
28 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10)
29 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (70)
30 field bandit 4 Trove Bandit (50) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) piggy 3 Piggora (70) baby tengu 4 Tengu Elder (55) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (70) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100)
31 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
dragon 3 Ark Dragon (120) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (70) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100)
32 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (70) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100)
33 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) ghost radish 4 Fear Radish (70) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100)
34 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100) spike bomb 4 Spike Erupt (200)
35 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) dark eye 4 Fear Eye (60) death reaper 4 Death Master (77) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
curse girl 4 Curse Gran (72) egg thing 4 Hiding Egg (10) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100) spike bomb 4 Spike Erupt (200) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
36 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (80) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) spike bomb 4 Spike Erupt (200) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) pacorepkin 4 Pacorepgod (80)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
37 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (80) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) cell armor 4 Alloy Armor (100) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) spike bomb 4 Spike Erupt (200) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
38 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (80) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) skull mage 4 Skull Demon (75) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) spike bomb 4 Spike Erupt (200) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
green slime 4 Red Slime (100) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
39 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (80) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
40 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) flying fowl 4 Jet Fowl (80) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) hen 4 Miracle Hen (80) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150)
41 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) leech worm 4 Leech Queen (50) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
schubell 4 Showpin (60)
42 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
43 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) ironhead 4 Deathhead (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
44 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) dremlas 4 Heavyremlas (150) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110)
45 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100)
46 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100) knifegator 4 Swordgator (100)
47 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) piggy 4 Piggaron (90) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100) knifegator 4 Swordgator (100)
48 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100) knifegator 4 Swordgator (100)
49 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100) knifegator 4 Swordgator (100)
50 rice baby 4 Rice Master (70) tiger uho 4 Tiger Uboho (100) mecharoid 4 Bioroid (80) evil soldier 4 Evil Shogun (50)
popster tank 4 Cranky Tank (80) fog hermit 4 Cloud Hermit (70) dragon 4 Hell Dragon (150) gather 4 Fallen Gather (130) nduba 4 N'Balun (50)
thiefwalrus 4 Roguewalrus (100) gaze 4 Ultra Gaze (90) schubell 4 Showpin (60) air devil 4 Astral Devil (50) taur 4 Gigataur (120)
floor dragon 4 Earth Dragon (110) mamel 4 Gitan Mamel (6) green slime 4 Red Slime (100) knifegator 4 Swordgator (100)


Spawn Rates

  • F = Floor, Monster drop
  • C = Jar of Change, Thiefwalrus drop


Item Table

The values like "46-50" in the Notes column represents the floor range where the item can appear.

  • F = Floor, Monster drop
  • M = Monster (Fixed drop)
  • C = Jar of Change, Thiefwalrus drop

Homing BladeX46-50Big Belly SeedXX1-50
Minotaur's AxeXTaur TypeHerb of LifeXX1-50
ShieldRestorative HerbXX1-50
NameFMCNotesKigny SeedXFear Radish
Gaze ShieldX41-45 / 50WeedsXField Bandit Type
Prism ShieldX41-45 / 50Sleeping HerbXSleep Radish
ArmbandHerb of StrengthXX1-50
NameFMCNotesAntidote HerbXX1-50
Armband of CalmXX1-50Herb of SightXX1-50
Rustless ArmbandXX1-50Medicinal HerbXX1-50
Antidote ArmbandXX1-50Scroll
Antidrain ArmbandXX1-50NameFMCNotes
Sleepless ArmbandXX1-50Great Hall ScrollX1-50
FoodScroll of BlessingXX1-50
NameFMCNotesEarth Bless ScrollXX1-50
Big RiceballXXX1-50
Running Egg
Air Bless ScrollXX1-50
Giant RiceballXRice MasterNameFMCNotes
Rotten RiceballXX1-50Pain Sharing StaffXX1-50
JarStaff of PostponeXX1-50
NameFMCNotesSkull StaffXSkull Mage Type
Chiropractic JarXX1-50Staff of ParalysisXX1-50
Storehouse JarXX1-50Staff of StabilityXX1-50
Jar of HidingXX1-50Staff of SlothXX1-50
Switching StaffXX1-50
Doppelganger StaffXX1-50
Lightning StaffXX1-50


See Traps for details.

RustySpinBig Landmine1-50
UnequipDream GasWood Arrow
RottenSleeping GasIron Arrow
PitfallPoison Dart1-50Curse1-50