Status Conditions


Status conditions are states that affect a character's behavior in various ways.
All status conditions besides "Normal" can be categorized as positive or negative.
Eating monster meat cures all status conditions.

Status List

Key: Positive, Negative

ConfusedShiren6~10Random movement / attack direction.
Projectiles and staves can be used like normal.
Rotten Riceball,
Herb of Confusion
Skull Staff, Skull Wizard,
Skull Wraith, Daze Radish,
Spinning Trap
Armband of Calm
Restorative Herb
Chiropractic Jar
Ally6~10Random movement / attack direction.
Can't use special attack.
PuzzledShiren20Other creatures look like women.
Items, traps, and stairs look like flowers.
Dream Gas TrapRestorative Herb
Chiropractic Jar
Ally20Character runs away from Shiren.
SleepyShiren4~6Unable to act for a number of turns.Rotten Riceball,
Sleeping Gas Trap,
Sleeping Herb, Skull Staff,
Sleep Radish, Skull Demon
Sleepless Armband
BlindedShiren30Unable to see your surroundings.Rotten Riceball, Oryu,
Skull Demon
Herb of Sight
Chiropractic Jar
AllyFloorCharacter moves in a straight line.
Turns if there's a wall, attacks if there's a creature.
ParalyzedShiren40Unable to act until the status wears off.
Status wears off when hit by an attack or effect.
Scroll of Need,
Staff of Paralysis,
Skull Wraith
AllyFloorSame as Shiren, but also wears off by talking.
MonsterSame as Shiren.
ImmobilizedShiren3~4Unable to move for a number of turns.
Can still attack and use items.
Immobilization TrapSwitching Staff
RiceballShiren10Effects of all equipped items are nullified.
Instantly collapse if you step on a Rotten Trap.
Bufu's Staff, Riceball Trap,
Rice Boss, Rice Master,
Skull Wraith, Skull Demon
Herb of Sight
Chiropractic Jar
Ally10Can't use special attack.
Attack power and defense remain the same.
SlowShiren101 action every 2 turns.
(Monsters: Swift 2 → Swift 1 → Normal → Slow)
Poison Herb, Staff of Sloth
Slowness Trap, Skull Staff,
Popster Tank Meat
Accelerating Staff
Double Speed
Shiren122 actions every turn.
(Monsters: Slow → Normal → Swift 1 → Swift 2)
Accelerating Staff,
Select Monster Meats
SealedShiren35Can't Eat, Read, or use staves.
Can't use special attack as a monster.
Sealing Staff, Skull Wraith-
AllyFloorCan't use special attack.
KignyShiren30Character loses control of themselves,
searching out and attacking the nearest creature.
(Will not attack Shopkeepers)
Kigny Seed, Kigny Meat,
Fear Radish
InvincibleShiren20Nullifies all damage received.
Doesn't protect against non-damage effects.
Herb of Victory-
Clear-sightedShirenFloorHidden traps and invisible enemies are revealed.Herb of Sight,
Mecharoid Meat
AllyCan target invisible characters.
InvisibleShiren15Unable to be detected by allies or monsters.Herb of Invisibility,
Air Devil Meat
AllyFloorCan't be detected by other characters.
HypnotizedShiren1Forced to perform one of the following actions:
・Equip or unequip a weapon, shield, or armband.
・Use an herb, scroll, or staff.
・Insert an item into a jar.
・Attack in a random direction.
・Throw an item.
Gaze familyGaze Shield
SilentShirenFloorCan't Eat or Read.
Can't use special attack as a monster.
Scroll of Silence-
Hands FullShirenFloorUnable to pick up items on the ground.Hands Full Scroll-
No Natural RecoveryShiren50Natural HP recovery stops.Fog Hermit family-
Hit Point DrainShiren50Natural HP recovery stops, lose 1 HP per turn.Fog Hermit family
(Get hit by spell twice)
Enhanced PowerShirenFloorApplies a multiplier to your damage output.
The effect can be stacked up to 8 times.
1.5 → 1.75 → 2 → 2.25 → 2.5 → 2.75 → 3 → 3.25
Power Up Scroll-
Ever-FullShirenFloorNatural fullness depletion stops.Special Riceball-
Poison-FreeShirenFloorYour strength can't be decreased due to poison.Special Riceball-
Wide AwakeShirenFloorImmune to Sleepy status.Special Riceball-
Silent MovementShirenFloorNapping enemies won't wake from your footsteps.Special Riceball,
Dark Owl Meat
Auto IdentifyShirenFloorPicking up items identifies them.Special Riceball,
Identity Armband