Golden Interval


Golden Intervals are one of the unique mechanics of Shiren 2.
Golden Stairs can be found inside walls on certain floors of Random Dungeons.
A special melody plays when you first discover the Golden Stairs,
and climbing them leads to a bonus area called Golden Interval.

Golden Intervals are Shuffle Dungeons consisting of 3~5 floors,
and often have powerful or exclusive items on the ground.
Monsters don't get generated on the final floor of a Golden interval,
but instead there's a single room with a treasure chest that contains a rare item.

However, Golden Intervals are often more difficult than the floors they can be found on.
Stronger monsters spawn (example: Lashagga in the 2nd Golden Interval of Road to the End),
onigiri can't be found on the ground, items for emergencies are either nonexistent or rare,
and in Halfway Well's case, traps can't be found, and you can't exit using a Trapper Bracelet.

On a side note, Shopkeepers don't react to Golden Stairs, so you can steal items
easily if you happen to discover them as a result of reading a Great Hall Scroll.
Lastly, Golden Stairs can occasionally generate inside unbreakable walls,
requiring the use of a Great Hall Scroll rather than pickaxes or cannoballs.


DungeonFloorReturnChanceExclusive Items
Shuten Trail Hard3~6F7F30%Onigiri Sword, Froggo Whip
Halfway Well50~55F56F100%Traproid Shield
Sealed Room (1st)6~10F11F30%Homing Blade, Froggo Shield
Sealed Room (2nd)70~80F81F30%Sacred Sword, Sacred Shield, Iron Hammer,
Dodge Shield, Reflect Shield, Critical Bracelet
Road to the End (1st)6~10F11F25%-
Road to the End (2nd)24~29F30F30%-
Road to the End (3rd)90~95F95F30%Basilisk Shield, Mijinha


Golden Intervals are Shuffle Dungeons, so the maps are selected out of a predetermined list.
The exit is usually in the lower half of the map, so keep that in mind when looking to advance.
Shuffle Dungeons will never generate Monster Houses.


Shuten Trail Hard


WeaponRazor Wind, Drain Buster, Cyclops Killer, Ghost Sickle, Katana
ShieldLeather Shield, Counter Shield, Scale Shield, Blast Shield,
Tribal Shield, Beetle Shield
BraceletBullseye Bracelet
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll, Sanctuary Scroll, Slumber Scroll
PotSynthesis Pot
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureOnigiri Sword, Froggo Whip, No Hunger Bracelet



WeaponIvory Sword, Dragon Killer, Golden Sword
ShieldIvory Shield, Dragon Shield, Golden Shield
BraceletPhantasm Bracelet
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll, Sanctuary Scroll, Plating Scroll
PotStorage Pot, Surprise Pot
StaffSwap Staff, Balance Staff, Slow Staff, Knockback Staff, Miss Staff,
Possession Staff, Grass Gainer, Grass Tosser
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureGolden Sword, Golden Shield, Wooden Shield, Evasive Shield, Happy Shield,
Echo Shield, Critical Arrow, Razor Arrow, Revival Grass, Angel Seed, Sanctuary Scroll

Halfway Well


WeaponClub (Using Kengo's Katana)
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureTraproid Shield

Sealed Room


WeaponHoming Blade
ShieldFroggo Shield
BraceletParry Bracelet, Paper Thin Bracelet
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureGolden Sword, Golden Shield, Wooden Shield, Evasive Shield, Happy Shield,
Echo Shield, Critical Arrow, Razor Arrow, Revival Grass, Angel Seed, Sanctuary Scroll


WeaponSacred Sword, Iron Hammer
ShieldSacred Shield, Fuuma Shield
BraceletParry Bracelet, Critical Bracelet
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureDodge Shield, Reflect Shield

Road to the End


WeaponIvory Sword, Dragon Killer, Kabura's blade
ShieldIvory Shield, Dragon Shield, Happy Shield
BraceletNo Control Bracelet (Using Shihan)
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll, Identify Scroll
PotStorage Pot, Surprise Pot
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureGolden Sword, Golden Shield, Wooden Shield, Happy Shield, Evasive Shield,
Echo Shield, Critical Arrow, Razor Arrow, Revival Grass, Angel Seed, Sanctuary Scroll


WeaponIvory Sword, Dragon Killer, Kabura's blade
ShieldIvory Shield, Dragon Shield, Happy Shield
BraceletNo Control Bracelet (Using Shihan)
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll, Identify Scroll
PotStorage Pot, Surprise Pot
Gitan10~2000 Gitan
TreasureGolden Sword, Golden Shield, Wooden Shield, Evasive Shield, Echo Shield,
Critical Arrow, Razor Arrow, Revival Grass, Angel Seed, Sanctuary Scroll


WeaponIvory Sword, Dragon Killer, Kabura's blade
ShieldIvory Shield, Dragon Shield, Happy Shield, Basilisk Shield
BraceletNo Control Bracelet (Using Shihan)
ScrollHeaven Scroll, Earth Scroll, Identify Scroll
PotStorage Pot, Surprise Pot
Gitan10~2000 Gitan