Kiki Island
Unlock | Attempt Training Path of Inference once → View all pirate related events.  ・Unlocking Synthesis is also part of the requirement. |
Entrance | Small Harbor (From the docks). |
Floors | 25F / 99F (Sacred Tree) | ||
Bring Items | No | Stairs | Ascending |
Companions | Yes | Roamers | Yes |
Rescues | 3 | Starting Level | Lv1 |
Starting Item | Large Onigiri | ||
Unidentified | Equipment, Grass, Scrolls, Staves, Pots | ||
Shops | Yes | Monster Houses | Yes |
Behemoths | No (99F: Yes) | Wishing Shrines | No |
Kron's Challenge | No | Fever Time | No |
Initial Enemies | 6~7 | Spawn Rate | 30 Turns |
Wind (1st Gust) | 1700 Turns | Reward | Can unlock Escape Scroll. (Event in Small Harbor after clearing) |
Postgame dungeon that's a bite-sized version of a classical unidentified items dungeon.
That sentence may sound similar to Yamakagashi Pass, but this dungeon is generally far easier.
Unidentified items are auto-narrowed down to 3 options, similar to Training Path of Inference,
but the number of items generated on the ground per floor isn't as plentiful in Kiki Island.
Overall, it's a nice place to visit to get some practice before going to Heart of Serpentcoil Island.
The rate at which the monster table changes isn't vastly different from Serpentcoil Island,
but there are some rare encounters that aim to cause accidents like Mixer, Chow, and Cave Mamel.
Despite the events that play while progressing through the dungeon, there's no boss at the end,
so rushing to the stairs near the end won't come back to bite you unlike Yamakagashi Pass.
Companions like Asuka and Seki can also appear as Roamers, greatly lowering the difficulty.
Side note, but this is a decent place to register Monstercall Scroll in your notebook.
Farming Techniques
Mudkin Hunting (8-9F)
Masked Samurai and Mudkin both appear on 8-9F, so it's possible to hunt Lv3-4 Mudkins to level up.
This monster duo actually also appears on 12F, but Crossbowboy can interfere if attempted on 12F,
and Mixers can also spawn and cause accidents starting from 10F, so it's best to stick to 8-9F.
Water Ninja D or Metal Ninja D might interfere, but at least they aren't likely to level up.
Stand on the stairs so you can advance at any time when performing the technique.
Floor Guide
Monsters aren't anything out of the ordinary for this game's standards, so check every room.
Note that Polygon Spinna (33 HP, 16 atk) is basically an upgraded Pumphantasm (23 HP, 16 atk).
Both of these monsters can be tough to handle without equipment, so be careful with inputs.
If you find a shield, consider having Nigiri Baby (17 HP, 8 atk) create some extra onigiri on 1-3F.
Otherwise, identify items quickly so that you aren't guessing if you end up in a bad situation.
Monster attack stats are higher, so there's risk of collapsing if you don't manage resources well.
5F is quite dangerous - The table only has 3 monsters, so you can get swarmed by Karakuroids.
If you haven't found decent equipment yet, it might be worth advancing to 6F quickly.
Karakuroid (40 HP, 20 atk) has Swift 1 action speed, so it moves 2 times per turn and attacks once.
Masked Samurai (47 HP, 18 atk) revives as Ghost Samurai and levels up another enemy when slain.
Ghost Samurai (4 HP, 13 atk) can be instantly defeated by throwing a rock at it.
Hoppin' Hitter (32 HP, 22 atk) either nullifies or reflects projectiles and staff magic.
Scorpion (37 HP, 14 atk) lowers Current Strength by 1 when adjacent.
Ninjas, Mid Chintala (45 HP, 23 atk), and Hell Reaper (45 HP, 12 atk) appear starting on 8F.
Hell Reaper has Swift 2 action speed, meaning it moves and attacks 2 times per turn.
Fire Ninja D only appears on 8F, so you won't be able to grill Rotten Onigiri on 9F.
Otherwise, try to hunt Lv3 Mudsters between 8-9F using Masked Samurai and Mudkin,
and keep in mind that a Cave Mamel (5 HP, 100 atk) can spawn between 6-25F on rare occasions.
If you encounter a Cave Mamel in a hallway, use a staff or scroll since those have 100% accuracy.
Bowboy (45 HP, 17 atk) and Crossbowboy (55 HP, 20 atk) appear on 10-12F, so collect arrows.
Bored Kappa (50 HP, 18 atk) also appears, so you can do so even without other items or pillars.
The dungeon is only 25F, so you don't need a ridiculous quantity - 100~200 arrows is plenty.
Stronger enemies like Metalhead (66 HP, 30 atk) and Master Hen (70 HP, 33 atk) appear from 13F.
It can be rough at first if you haven't leveled up much, but try to conserve items if possible.
That said, Mixer (78 HP, 39 atk, 29 def) can show up as a rare encounter between 10-25F.
It's the equivalent of a strong 25F monster in Serpentcoil Island showing up as early as 10F.
If you attempt to synthesize without an item like Sluggish Staff, you're likely going to collapse.
It's probably best to use an item like Paralyzing Staff to disable it and ignore it instead,
and remember that thrown items are ineffective until the Mixer has swallowed 2 items.
Enemies are along the lines of Kibanuma Marsh and Firespew Mountain, but without monks.
Thiefwalrus (65 HP, 25 atk) has pretty high HP, so just focus on not getting items stolen.
If your level is low, hunt Master Hen (400 exp) while watching out for Minotaur (70 HP, 31 atk).
Otherwise, try to avoid losing strength due to Ghost Radish (40 HP, 18 atk)'s Poison Grass.
Ghost Radish can throw Poison Grass in a straight line 2 tiles ahead.
Chow (20 HP, 1 atk) appears between 15-25F which can result in monsters leveling up.
It has Swift 1 speed so it can run from enemies to some degree, but can still become cornered.
Chow always drops an item when defeated by the player, so hunt any that you happen to see.
It's quite rare, but if a Chow and Cave Mamel results in a Gitan Mamel, be very careful.
Gitan Mamel (20 HP, 100 atk, 999 def) has Swift 2 action speed, so wait for it inside a room,
then use an item like Dragon Grass, Knockback Staff, or Thunderbolt Staff to deal fixed damage.
If you don't have fixed damage items, just hope you don't see it while rushing to the stairs.
It's recommended to rush to the stairs from this point until you clear the dungeon.
Notable threats include Skull Wizard and Super Gazer on 22-25F, Porko and Dartingfrog on 24-25F.
Skull Wizard (88 HP, 35 atk) can inflict Confused status from a distance among other effects.
Super Gazer (66 HP, 30 atk) can make you waste items and lock you in place with its hypnosis.
Dartingfrog (75 HP, 40 atk) doesn't let you run away once you're in range of its special attack.
Porko (65 HP, 36 atk) throws Porky's Rocks (20 damage) within a 5 tile radius.
Other monsters like Capt. Spearfish (100 HP, 39 atk) and Fire Ninja C (75 HP, 45 atk) also hit hard.
Considering you're right before the goal, there's really no reason to linger unless you're aiming
to 100% the Kiki Island dungeon's monster table.
See Monsters for individual monster details.
- F - Dark hallways
- S - Shop is possible
- H - Monster House is possible
- G - Golden Egg Thing is possible
- B - Behemoth Monsters are possible
Monster Colors = Farming, Useful, Lowers Stats, Targets Items, Dangerous
F | Behemoth Monsters | |||||||
31-39 |
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51-54 75-79 95-98 |
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- F = Floor
- S = Shop
- P = Peddler
- M = Monster drop
- B = Buried
- H = Thiefwalrus
- I = Island
- T = Transmutation Pot
- U = Surprise Pot
- W = Tunnel of Wishes
Weapon | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Wooden Sword | ||||||||||
Bronze Sword | ||||||||||
Katana | ||||||||||
Doutanuki | ||||||||||
Manji Kabura | ||||||||||
Kajin Fuuma | ||||||||||
Kabura Sutegi | ||||||||||
Golden Sword | ||||||||||
Kama Itachi | ||||||||||
Axe of the Minotaur | ||||||||||
Accurate Sword | ||||||||||
Swift Sword | ||||||||||
Watersplitter | ||||||||||
Primal Axe | ||||||||||
Dragonkiller | ||||||||||
Crescent Blade | ||||||||||
Sky Sword | ||||||||||
Sickle of Salvation | ||||||||||
Drain Slayer | ||||||||||
Cyclops Bane | ||||||||||
Steel Severer | ||||||||||
Whopping Harisen | ||||||||||
Healing Sword | X | |||||||||
Peach Club | ||||||||||
Spender's Club | ||||||||||
Ferrous Greatsword | ||||||||||
Steak Knife | ||||||||||
Jagged Sword | ||||||||||
Quad-edge | ||||||||||
Auspicious Kumade | ||||||||||
Pickaxe | ||||||||||
Golden Pickaxe | ||||||||||
Wooden Mallet | ||||||||||
Epic Hammer | ||||||||||
Trapseeker | ||||||||||
Bonito Block | ||||||||||
Yamanba's Cleaver | ||||||||||
Break-Off Blade |
Shield | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Wooden Shield | ||||||||||
Bronze Shield | ||||||||||
Iron Shield | ||||||||||
Wolfshead | ||||||||||
Fuuma Shield | ||||||||||
Rasen Fuuma | ||||||||||
Golden Shield | ||||||||||
Counter Shield | ||||||||||
Watchful Shield | ||||||||||
Dragon Shield | ||||||||||
Blast Shield | ||||||||||
Targe of the Minotaur | ||||||||||
Walrus Stopper | ||||||||||
Froggo Stopper | ||||||||||
Hat Stopper | ||||||||||
Nigiri Stopper | ||||||||||
Spearscale Shield | ||||||||||
Kappa's Dish | ||||||||||
Gazer Shield | ||||||||||
Shield of Negation | ||||||||||
Unmoving Wall | ||||||||||
Zabuton | ||||||||||
Spender's Shield | ||||||||||
Ferrous Kite | ||||||||||
Steak Plate | ||||||||||
Gutsy Shield | ||||||||||
Hunky-dory Shield | X | |||||||||
Bodhi Shield | ||||||||||
Shield of Sating | ||||||||||
Auspicious Omamori | ||||||||||
Shield of Presage | ||||||||||
Yamanba's Potlid | ||||||||||
Break-Off Shield |
Bracelet | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Healing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Strength Bracelet | ||||||||||
Bellyexpand Bracelet | ||||||||||
Bellyshrink Bracelet | ||||||||||
Fortune Bracelet | ||||||||||
Cleansing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Focusing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Rousing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Rustproof Bracelet | ||||||||||
Cursebreak Bracelet | ||||||||||
Affixing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Far-throwing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Bad-aim Bracelet | ||||||||||
Sure-aim Bracelet | ||||||||||
Bouncy Bracelet | ||||||||||
Rapid-fire Bracelet | ||||||||||
Daredevil Bracelet | ||||||||||
Dreaded Bracelet | ||||||||||
Leaping Bracelet | ||||||||||
Blasting Bracelet | ||||||||||
Clairvoyant Bracelet | ||||||||||
Monster-find Bracelet | ||||||||||
Item-find Bracelet | ||||||||||
Passage-find Bracelet | ||||||||||
Waterwalk Bracelet | ||||||||||
Floating Bracelet | ||||||||||
Wallpass Bracelet | ||||||||||
Tiptoe Bracelet | ||||||||||
Passerby Bracelet | ||||||||||
Item-losing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Gitan-losing Bracelet | ||||||||||
Monstercall Bracelet | ||||||||||
Trapmore Bracelet | ||||||||||
Haggling Bracelet | ||||||||||
Trapper's Bracelet | ||||||||||
Appraiser's Bracelet | ||||||||||
Cannonboost Bracelet |
Projectile | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Wooden Arrow | ||||||||||
Iron Arrow | ||||||||||
Silver Arrow | ||||||||||
Poison Arrow | ||||||||||
Truestrike Arrow | ||||||||||
Rock | ||||||||||
Porky's Rock |
Food | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Onigiri | ||||||||||
Large Onigiri | ||||||||||
Huge Onigiri | ||||||||||
Rotten Onigiri | ||||||||||
Grilled Onigiri | ||||||||||
Special Onigiri | ||||||||||
Sumo Onigiri | ||||||||||
Sweet Potato | ||||||||||
Yakitori | ||||||||||
Rotten Peach Bun |
Grass | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Weeds | ||||||||||
Herb | ||||||||||
Otogirisou | ||||||||||
Healing Grass | ||||||||||
Life Grass | ||||||||||
Fragrant Grass | ||||||||||
Revival Grass | ||||||||||
Bellyexpand Seed | ||||||||||
Bellyshrink Seed | ||||||||||
Dragon Grass | ||||||||||
Leaping Grass | ||||||||||
Antidote Grass | ||||||||||
Strength Grass | ||||||||||
Poison Grass | ||||||||||
Confusion Grass | ||||||||||
Sedating Grass | ||||||||||
Berserk Seed | ||||||||||
Blinding Grass | ||||||||||
Seewell Grass | ||||||||||
Swift Grass | ||||||||||
Power-up Grass | ||||||||||
Invincible Grass | ||||||||||
Fortune Grass | ||||||||||
Angel Seed | ||||||||||
Feeble Grass | ||||||||||
Unlucky Seed | ||||||||||
Ill-fated Seed |
Scroll | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Confusion Scroll | ||||||||||
Slumber Scroll | ||||||||||
Jitters Scroll | ||||||||||
Windblade Scroll | ||||||||||
Expulsion Scroll | ||||||||||
Exorcism Scroll | ||||||||||
Identifier Scroll | ||||||||||
Heavenly Scroll | ||||||||||
Earthly Scroll | ||||||||||
Plating Scroll | ||||||||||
Slot-adding Scroll | ||||||||||
Rune-eraser Scroll | ||||||||||
Silver-seal Scroll | ||||||||||
Silverpurge Scroll | ||||||||||
Pot-upsize Scroll | ||||||||||
Extraction Scroll | ||||||||||
Onigiri Scroll | ||||||||||
Curse Scroll | ||||||||||
Mapping Scroll | ||||||||||
Map-loss Scroll | ||||||||||
Trap-eraser Scroll | ||||||||||
Trap Scroll | ||||||||||
Water-drain Scroll | ||||||||||
Monstercall Scroll | ||||||||||
Wall-less Scroll | ||||||||||
Gathering Scroll | ||||||||||
Collection Scroll | ||||||||||
Gambler's Scroll | ||||||||||
Muzzle Scroll | ||||||||||
Carry-ban Scroll | ||||||||||
Swift Foe Scroll | ||||||||||
Fixer Scroll | ||||||||||
Escape Scroll | ||||||||||
Eradication Scroll | ||||||||||
Sanctuary Scroll | ||||||||||
Blank Scroll | ||||||||||
Wet Scroll |
Staff | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Ordinary Staff | ||||||||||
Paralyzing Staff | ||||||||||
Sealing Staff | ||||||||||
Disguising Staff | ||||||||||
Empathetic Staff | ||||||||||
Narrow-escape Staff | ||||||||||
Knockback Staff | ||||||||||
Switching Staff | ||||||||||
Vaulting Staff | ||||||||||
Skull Mage's Staff | ||||||||||
Thunderbolt Staff | ||||||||||
Burrowing Staff | ||||||||||
Earthmound Staff | ||||||||||
Balance Staff | ||||||||||
Guiding Staff | ||||||||||
Swift Staff | ||||||||||
Sluggish Staff | ||||||||||
Fortune Staff | ||||||||||
Unlucky Staff | ||||||||||
Peach Staff |
Pot | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Preservation Pot | ||||||||||
Identifier Pot | ||||||||||
Transmutation Pot | ||||||||||
Cashing Pot | ||||||||||
Synthesis Pot | ||||||||||
Exorcism Pot | ||||||||||
Curse Pot | ||||||||||
Upgrading Pot | ||||||||||
Degrading Pot | ||||||||||
Bottomless Pot | ||||||||||
Warehouse Pot | ||||||||||
Handtrapper Pot | ||||||||||
Unbreakable Pot | ||||||||||
Ordinary Pot | ||||||||||
Hiding Pot | ||||||||||
Rejuvenation Pot | ||||||||||
Walrus Pot | ||||||||||
Water Gun Pot | ||||||||||
Hilarious Pot | ||||||||||
Monster Pot | ||||||||||
Surprise Pot |
Incense | ||||||||||
Name | F | S | P | M | B | H | I | T | U | W |
Heat-ban Incense | ||||||||||
Evasive Incense | ||||||||||
Cautious Incense | ||||||||||
Reflective Incense | ||||||||||
Aggressive Incense | ||||||||||
Defensive Incense | ||||||||||
Blurry Incense | ||||||||||
Weighted Incense | ||||||||||
Unwanting Incense |