Travel Companions


Travel Companions are NPC characters who fight monsters alongside Shiren.
There are 5 companion characters - Asuka, Seki, Hibiki, Tugai, and Porky the Pirate.

Unlock Conditions
Image Character Notes
asuka Asuka 1. View the Asuka reunion event in Small Harbor.
2. Hear about the Peach Club from Kantenbo in Shukuba Beach.
3. Meet Asuka and Kantenbo in Underwater Training Ground.
4. View the Heavenly Maiden event at Mount Jingara Summit.
5. Meet the Heavenly Maiden at Beachside Pier.
6. Talk to Asuka in Shukuba Beach.
seki Seki 1. Visit Mountain Village 2 times to unlock Secluded Path.
2. Visit Mountain Village (Secret Ninja Village) for another event.
3. Visit Secret Ninja Village to hear a request.
4. Go to Mount Jingara Summit for an event.
5. Talk to the 3 older ninjas in Shukuba Beach.
6. Talk to Seki in Secret Ninja Village.
※ Once Yamakagashi Pass is unlocked, Seki won't appear until it's cleared.
hibiki Hibiki 1. View the Red Orca Pirates introduction event in Small Harbor.
2. Talk to the Black Shark Pirates in Shukuba Beach.
3. Go to Small Harbor for an event.
4. Talk to Sokusen in Underwater Training Ground.
5. Talk to the Black Shark Pirates at Beachside Pier.
6. Talk to Tugai at the Hot Spring Cabin (Synthesis Pot unlocked).
7. Meet the Black Shark Pirates at Mount Jatou Entrance (Mixers unlocked).
8. Progress to 26F or so of Mount Jatou for another pirate event.
9. Go to Small Harbor to see the Red Orca Pirates sail away.
10. Talk to Tugai at the Hot Spring Cabin (Tugai joins).
11. Talk to Hibiki in Small Harbor.
※ Once Kiki Island is unlocked, Hibiki won't appear until it's cleared.
tugai Tugai See Hibiki's unlock condition (Steps 1-10).
※ Once Kiki Island is unlocked, Tugai won't appear until it's cleared.
porky Porky the Pirate Talk to Porky the Pirate in Small Harbor after Hibiki joins.

Basic Info

  • Companions can only be recruited inside a dungeon in Shiren 6.
    • To be clear, you can't ask them to join you before heading out.
  • Companions can appear in the following dungeons:
    • Serpentcoil Island
    • Ghost Ship
    • Dune of Batsu
    • Training Path of Gimmicks
    • Training Path of Shopping
    • Kiki Island
    • Yamakagashi Pass (Version 1.1.0+)
    • Sacred Ocean Tunnel (Version 1.1.0+)
  • Companions who join in the middle of Serpentcoil Island cannot be taken to other dungeons.
    • However, they can be taken to hidden routes like Secluded Path.
  • Companions follow you to the next floor even if they weren't near you when you advance floors.
  • The player can have up to 3 companions following them at any given time.
    • It's possible to remove companions from your party using a menu option.
  • Experience points do not get reduced based on party size.
    • It doesn't matter who defeated the monster, everyone earns the full amount of experience points.
  • A companion character's level resets after the current adventure ends.
    • Unlike Shiren 5, there's no point to leveling them up in terms of meta-progression.
  • Starting level can vary depending on the dungeon or floor where you recruited the companion.
  • Companions who have an ability will decide on their own whether or not to use the ability.
    • The player cannot make them use their ability by talking to them.
  • A companion character's HP is displayed in the upper right side of the screen.
    • Unlike Shiren, exact HP values are not displayed.
    • Companions regenerate HP as turns elapse, except for when they attack.
  • The player can strengthen or heal a companion by throwing an item at them.
    • Power-up Grass, Invincible Grass, or Swift Grass behaves as you'd expect.
    • Herb, Otogirisou, Healing Grass, Life Grass, and Rejuvenation Pot (1+ capacity) does restore HP.
      • Max HP does not increase when the companion's HP is already at max.
    • Revival Grass, Grilled Onigiri, and Fixer Scroll does not restore HP.
  • Companions don't get reduced attack power when afflicted with Onigiri status.
    • However, they can't use their ability, and Asuka will lose the effects of equipped items.
  • Companions will retreat when their HP gets very low (20~30% HP remaining?).
    • Stronger monsters can hit for 50%+ of a companion's HP, so you'll still want to protect them.
  • The HP bar can act somewhat glitchy when a companion's Max HP exceeds 190 or so.
    • This mostly only occurs when Asuka has equipment with Max HP increasing runes.
  • Items like Windblade Scroll and Confusion Scroll don't affect companions.
    • However, Sweet Potato and Gassy Trap will make companions warp.
  • Talking to a companion character doesn't end your turn.
  • Companions sometimes move in a way to stay at Shiren's side instead of following behind him.
    • They also avoid monsters that aren't an immediate threat, such as Napping or Paralyzed ones.
  • Companions aside from Asuka seem to always dodge thrown weapons, shields, and bracelets.
    • This includes equipment disarmed by a Swordsman family monster.
  • Switching places with a companion only ends Shiren's turn - The companion can still act.



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Porky the Pirate

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