Monster Trial Guide


Monster Trial is a Sacred Tree mode where the player challenges a selected dungeon as a monster.
Playable monsters can be unlocked by clearing Dojo Challenges inside the Monster Dojo.
Some monsters can breeze through dungeons, while others might feel nearly impossible.

The player can use the monster's ability anytime (unless Sealed), similar to eating a Peach Bun.
Likewise, some traps affect the player differently when playing as a monster.

However, there are also a number of significant changes to mechanics in this mode, such as:

  • The player begins with the base stats of the selected monster.
  • HP doesn't regenerate as turns elapse, but is restored to max every time you level up.
  • Fullness doesn't deplete as turns elapse, but depletes by 4 every time you level up.
  • Items cannot be used, but instead can be eaten to replenish 2 fullness.

Unavailable Dungeons

  • Training Path of Extra Inference
  • Peach Dungeon
  • Trapper's Secret Path
  • Heart of Serpentcoil Island (The 12 Celestial Stones)

Unavailable Monsters

  • Golden Egg Thing
  • Bosses
  • Shop NPCs


  • You can freely use the monster's special attack and abilities, similar to eating a Peach Bun.
    • The player's starting stats = monster's base stats.
    • In some cases, stepping on a trap affects the monster differently than Shiren.
  • Fullness doesn't deplete as turns elapse, and HP doesn't regenerate either.
    • Aquatic type monsters can stand on a water tile to restore their HP.
    • Ghost Samurai restores its HP when it possesses another monster.
  • Player level increases by 1 each time you defeat a monster.
    • HP is fully restored upon leveling up, and fullness decreases by 4.
    • HP is fully restored upon leveling up even if fullness is currently 0.
    • The amount of max HP you gain is based on level.
      • Lv2~19 = +1 HP, Lv20~49 = +2 HP, Lv50~99 = +3 HP.
    • Attack Power increases as you level up, but it's unknown if Defense increases.
      • The damage formula appears to be different than Shiren at first glance.
    • Once you reach Lv99, you can no longer level up and fully restore your HP.
      • Monsters who can restore HP on their own have an advantage for deeper dungeons.
  • Items cannot be used - They can be eaten to replenish 2 fullness instead.
    • Eating to replenish 2 fullness applies to all item categories, including food items.
    • Monsters that generate new items like Bowboy can replenish fullness whenever they want.
    • Gitan cannot be eaten unless it's cursed.
    • Enemy Lv2~4 Bored Kappas can be used to get hit by a thrown item if desired.
    • Exceptions:
      • Revival Grass - Still activates when carried in your inventory.
      • Sanctuary Scroll - Can be placed on the ground and used like normal.
      • Balance Staff - Prevents you from being tripped when carried in your inventory.
      • Incense - Can be activated by a Lv2~4 Bored Kappa or Pot Knave.
      • Traps - Can be brought into the dungeon if the dungeon allows bringing items.
  • Monsters who can pass through walls will still lose HP while inside a wall.
  • The player cannot talk to NPCs like Travel Companions or Peddlers.
    • Fluffy Bunny Pup can still appear and fully restore your HP.
  • Shops are never generated during a Monster Trial, even in Training Path of Shopping.
  • Getting hit by a Peach Staff makes you instantly collapse.
    • Revival Grass can revive you if this happens.

Basic Strategy

  • HP can only be restored by leveling up, and once you reach Lv99, you can't restore HP.
    • Exceptions = Fluffy Bunny, Ghost Samurai, Masked Samurai family, Aquatic type monsters.
    • Consider waiting to eat an item until after you're done grinding levels when fullness is at 0.
  • You generally want to rush to the stairs, and only defeat a necessary number of monsters.
    • Many playable monsters have useful special attacks or abilities, so use them!
    • Avoid Monster Houses when possible to prevent excessive level ups and fullness depletion.
  • Some monsters like King Reaper are simply more viable than others like Chow.
    • Equipment and Eradication Scrolls can't be used, so Heart of Serpentcoil Island is quite hard.
    • A realistic goal for weaker monsters will likely be to just reach a specific floor.
  • Generally speaking, level 4 monsters offer an advantage over level 1~3 monsters.
    • However, there are exceptions like choosing Sleep Radish (Lv3) instead of Frenzy Radish (Lv4).


Monster Ranking

Keep in mind that this monster ranking is an opinion piece, and isn't absolute.

Rank Monsters (Notable Levels Only)
S+ 10 1 Ghost Samurai
S 9 4 Lordly Samurai
A 22 4 Ultra Gazer 5 4 King Reaper 6 4 Pumplord 15 3 Baby Tank 16 4 Steadfast Tank
35 4 Hiding Dragon 1 4 Gitan Mamel 37 4 Cyberoid 29 4 Magicwalrus
B 26 4 Nimble Knave 15 4 Mini Tank 21 4 Skull Lord 19 4 Abyss Dragon 44 4 N'daloon
4 4 Admiral Spearfish 18 4 Porgon 49 1 Dark Owl
C 3 4 Superb Octopling 40 4 Hoppin' Slammer 7 4 Pyrepuff 17 4 Atrocious Kappa
20 3 Sleep Radish 51 1 Fluffy Bunny 38 4 General Ant 34 4 Streamingfrog
39 4 Detonachin 53 4 Water Ninja A 61 4 Tengu Monk A
D 46 4 Hiding Egg 8 4 Grampadillo 12 4 Deathead 14 4 Bashagga 24 4 Polygon Stunna
27 4 Nigiri Honcho 36 4 Tiger Launcher 25 4 Demon Scorpion 23 4 Wrinkly Hani
42 4 Boomdon 45 4 Mixerdon 28 4 Frogginator 31 4 Cursenior 30 4 Hat Rascal
54 4 Tree Ninja A 55 4 Metal Ninja A 60 4 Okame Monk A
E 48 1 Chow 41 4 Infernous 13 4 Miracle Hen 11 4 Gigataur 32 4 Mudder 43 4 Showpin
33 4 Swordmaster 52 4 Fire Ninja A 56 4 Earth Ninja A 58 4 Kitsune Monk A
57 4 Hannya Monk A 59 4 Okina Monk A
F 50 1 Crow Tengu 13 1 Hen

Monster Notes

Monster (Family) ~ Monster Trial Menu Order
MamelShaggaNigiri BabyHoppin' BatterTree Ninja
ChintalaBowboyFroggoFierousMetal Ninja
OctoplingPop TankThiefwalrusZapdonEarth Ninja
SpearfishBored KappaHat UrchinSchubellHannya Monk
Death ReaperPorkyCurse GirlN'dubbaKitsune Monk
PumphantasmDragonMudkinMixerOkina Monk
FirepuffGhost RadishSwordsmanEgg ThingOkame Monk
ArmordilloSkull MagePullfrogChowTengu Monk
Masked SamuraiGazerFloor DragonDark Owl
Ghost SamuraiTwisty HaniTiger ThrowerCrow Tengu
TaurPolygon SpinnaKarakuroidFluffy Bunny
MetalheadScorpionSoldier AntFire Ninja
HenField KnaveExplochinWater Ninja

Teal name = Swift action speed, Orange name = Slow action speed.

Mamel Family

  • No special attack, but Cave Mamel (Lv3) and Gitan Mamel (Lv4) convert non-fixed damage to 1.
  • Steamrolls shorter dungeons, but longer dungeons require planning your level ups.
  • Gitan Mamel (Lv4) has swift action speed.

Pit Mamel1158
Cave Mamel5100100
Gitan Mamel20100999

Chintala Family

  • No special attack or characteristics.

Mid Chintala452310
Big Chintala854033
Huge Chintala1856040

Octopling Family

  • Special attack inflicts Mingling status for 30 turns (enemy won't attack you), but can fail.
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.

Fresh Octopling601914
Famed Octopling992530
Superb Octopling1996448

Spearfish Family

  • Capt. Spearfish (Lv3) and Admiral Spearfish (Lv4) can shoot water 3 tiles ahead.
    • Effect is similar to Water Gun Pot, but deals 15 damage (Lv3) or 25 damage (Lv4).
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.

Lt. Spearfish602417
Capt. Spearfish1003930
Admiral Spearfish2005950

Death Reaper Family

  • All four levels in this family have swift action speed.
    • Soul Reaper (Lv3) and King Reaper (Lv4) can also pass through walls.
  • Floating type, so you can move across water and air tiles, and also ignores traps.
  • Ghost type, so you'll receive damage if you get hit by a HP restoring item.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap reduces Attack Power by 8 stages.

Death Reaper2265
Hell Reaper451215
Soul Reaper754040
King Reaper2256550

Pumphantasm Family

  • All four levels in this family can pass through walls.
  • Floating type, so you can move across water and air tiles, and also ignores traps.
  • Ghost type, so you'll receive damage if you get hit by a HP restoring item.


Firepuff Family

  • Special attack spews fire, dealing fixed damage (can fail).
    • Damage and success rate increases based on level within the monster family.
  • Floating type, so you can move across water and air tiles, and also ignores traps.


Armordillo Family

  • Special attack deals fixed damage and knockback, and might make the target drop an item.
  • Strong in 1 vs 1 situations, but other enemies might approach while you're fighting.


Masked Samurai Family

  • No special attack, but revives as Ghost Samurai when HP drops to 0.
    • Ghost Samurai only has 4 HP, so possess a different monster right away.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap reduces Attack Power by 8 stages.
  • Sealed status prevents reviving as Ghost Samurai.

Masked Samurai471818
Raging Samurai1004537
Great Samurai1495840
Lordly Samurai2006350

Ghost Samurai

  • Only takes 1 damage from enemy normal attacks.
    • Starts with 4 HP, but max HP increases as you level up (Lv99 = 232 HP).
  • Possessing a monster fully restores HP and cures status conditions.
    • Canceling the transformation only restores your status.
  • Ghost type, so you'll receive damage if you get hit by a HP restoring item.

Ghost Samurai41315

Taur Family

  • Occasionally lands a critical hit.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap reduces Attack Power by 8 stages.


Metalhead Family

  • Normal attacks can cut through corners and hit from a distance.
    • Metalhead = 2 tiles, Thrashead = 3 tiles, Megahead = 4 tiles, Deathead = 5 tiles.


Hen Family

  • No special attack, but Hen (Lv1), Great Hen (Lv3), and Miracle Hen (Lv4) have swift action speed.
  • Transforms into Hen (Lv1) when current HP 20%.
    • Hen's Attack Power and Defense is 1, so it's often the end of the run.

Master Hen703321
Great Hen1205540
Miracle Hen2208260

Shagga Family

  • Normal attacks are multi-hit, with the number of hits varying by level.
    • Shagga = 1 hit, Nashagga = 2 hits, Lashagga = 3 hits, Bashagga = 4 hits.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap reduces Attack Power by 8 stages.


Bowboy Family

  • Special attack shoots an arrow, with the type varying by level.
    • Bowboy = Wooden, Crossbowboy = Iron, Baby Tank = Iron, Mini Tank = Silver.
    • You can still use normal attacks, so enemies immune to projectiles aren't a big problem.
  • Baby Tank (Lv3) and Mini Tank (Lv4) have swift action speed.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap inflicts Sealed and Slowed statuses.

Baby Tank854030
Mini Tank1005540

Pop Tank Family

  • Special attack fires a cannon, with the damage varying by level.
    • Pop Tank = 20, Ornery Tank = 30, Adamant Tank = 40, Steadfast Tank = 50.
  • Pop Tank (Lv1) has slow action speed, and Adamant Tank (Lv3) and Steadfast Tank (Lv4) are swift.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap inflicts Sealed and Slowed statuses.

Pop Tank902024
Ornery Tank954044
Adamant Tank1006054
Steadfast Tank1058064

Bored Kappa Family

  • Special attack throws the item underfoot at a target within range.
    • Bored = 3 tiles, Pesky = 5 tiles, Vexing = 10 tiles, Atrocious = anywhere on the floor.
  • Catches and throws back incoming projectiles.
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.

Bored Kappa501811
Pesky Kappa752922
Vexing Kappa1754933
Atrocious Kappa2755942

Porky Family

  • Special attack throws a Porky's Rock (20 damage) at a target within range.
    • Porky = 3 tiles, Porko = 5 tiles, Porkon = 8 tiles, Porgon = 10 tiles.


Dragon Family

  • Special attack spews a flame, with the damage and range varying by level.
    • Dragon = 20 + line, Sky Dragon = 20 + room, Archdragon = 30 + floor, Abyss Dragon = 40 + floor.

Sky Dragon1405550
Abyss Dragon3009065

Ghost Radish Family

  • Special attack throws grass in a straight line (10 tiles), with the type varying by level.
    • Ghost = Poison Grass, Daze = Confusion Grass, Sleep = Sedating Grass, Frenzy = Berserk Seed.
  • Attack Power increases when hit by a poison effect.
    • Poison Arrow Trap, Poison Grass thrown by Ghost Radish, Scorpion family, Jakaku, etc.
  • Ghost type, so you'll receive damage if you get hit by a HP restoring item.
    • In addition, getting hit by Antidote Grass deals 50 damage.

Ghost Radish401815
Daze Radish803727
Sleep Radish1354738
Frenzy Radish1955755

Skull Mage Family

  • Special attack fires a magic bullet which deals a random effect based on level.
    • Skull Mage = Warp, increase speed by 1 stage, 10 tiles knockback, or switch positions.
    • Skull Wizard = Confused, 20 damage, Narrow-escape, or Peach.
    • Skullmancer = Paralyzed, Sealed, Onigiri, Disguised, lower speed by 1 stage, or Level -1.
    • Skull Lord = Asleep, Blind, Level -3, or 40 damage.
  • Ghost type, so you'll receive damage if you get hit by a HP restoring item.

Skull Mage773121
Skull Wizard883524
Skull Lord1885555

Gazer Family

  • Special attack inflicts Confused status on an adjacent monster for 20 turns.
    • Ultra Gazer (Lv4) inflicts Confused status on all enemies in the room.
  • No enemy monsters are immune to hypnosis, but Okame Monk can cure Confused status.

Super Gazer663026
Hyper Gazer1265545
Ultra Gazer1966055

Twisty Hani Family

  • Special attack lowers the level of the target in front by 1.
  • Strong in 1 vs 1 situations, but doesn't have a way to deal with a group of monsters.

Twisty Hani351215
Floppy Hani853939
Droopy Hani1204949
Wrinkly Hani1906059

Polygon Spinna Family

  • Special attack reduces the current HP of a target in front by a set percentage.
    • Polygon Spinna = 30%, Polygon Shaka = 40%, Polygon Singa = 50%, Polygon Stunna = 60%.
    • This special attack is also effective against bosses.
  • Stepping on a Hunger Trap or Starvation Trap increases your Attack Power.
    • However, enemy Polygon Spinna family monsters will still deal percentage based damage to you.

Polygon Spinna331617
Polygon Shaka703433
Polygon Singa1294040
Polygon Stunna2295055

Scorpion Family

  • Special attack reduces the Attack Power of a target in front.
    • Attack Power reduction increases based on level, but exact values are currently unknown.
    • Ghost Radish and Scorpion family monsters will gain Attack Power instead.
  • Attack Power increases when hit by a poison effect.
    • Poison Arrow Trap, Poison Grass thrown by Ghost Radish, Scorpion family, Jakaku, etc.
  • You'll receive 50 damage if you get hit by Antidote Grass.

Vile Scorpion1084533
Terror Scorpion1855545
Demon Scorpion2957355

Field Knave Family

  • Special attack throws Weeds in a straight line (10 tiles).
    • Bag Knave (Lv3) and Nimble Knave (Lv4) might knock away an item from an enemy hit by Weeds.
  • Nimble Knave (Lv4) has swift action speed.
  • Getting hit by Weeds increases your action speed by 1 stage.
    • Enemy Field Knave or Bored Kappa family monsters can be used to trigger this effect.

Field Knave501516
Pot Knave653525
Bag Knave954035
Nimble Knave1455040

Nigiri Baby Family

  • Special attack turns an enemy in front into an onigiri type item, instantly defeating them.
    • Chance for success: Baby = 1/6, Morph = 1/4, Boss = 1/2, Honcho = 1/2.
  • Receiving by an effect that inflicts Onigiri status increases Attack Power instead.
    • Onigiri Trap or enemy Nigiri Baby family monsters.
  • Getting hit by an onigiri type item (not cursed) makes you instantly collapse.

Nigiri Baby1782
Nigiri Morph883530
Nigiri Boss1334542
Nigiri Honcho1656154

Froggo Family

  • Special attack steals Gitan from an enemy in front, then makes you warp away.
    • Frogginator (Lv4) can throw Gitan to attack when not adjacent to an enemy.
  • Getting hit by thrown Gitan restores your HP.


Thiefwalrus Family

  • Special attack steals an item from an enemy in front, then makes you warp away.
    • Limited to 1 item per enemy, can also be used to pick up items that are on the ground.
    • Magicwalrus (Lv4) creates a clone which always carries Weeds upon a successful theft.
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.


Hat Urchin Family

  • Special attack steals an item from an enemy in front, which is then tossed away.
    • Item category varies based on level (staves, grass, food, or scrolls).
    • The stolen item can hit an enemy monster on occasion.

Hat Urchin1653
Hat Prankster70156
Hat Brat125459
Hat Rascal1708512

Curse Girl Family

  • Special attack inflicts Sealed status on a target in front.
  • Receiving a curse effect increases your Attack Power instead.
  • You'll receive 100 damage if you get hit by a thrown Exorcism Scroll.

Curse Girl652828
Curse Matron1455348

Mudkin Family

  • Special attack lowers the Attack Power and Defense of a target in front.
  • Occasionally multiplies when you receive damage, spawning enemy Mudkins of the same level.
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.


Swordsman Family

  • Special attack knocks away an item from an enemy (can fail), with the category varying by level.
    • Lv1 = Shield, Lv2 = Weapon or Shield, Lv3 & Lv4 = Weapon, Shield, or Bracelet.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap reduces Attack Power by 8 stages.


Pullfrog Family

  • Special attack pulls a target towards you, with the range varying by level.
    • Pullfrog = 3 tiles, Dartingfrog = 5 tiles, Fleefrog & Streamingfrog = 10 tiles.
    • Dartingfrog (Lv2), Fleefrog (Lv3), and Streamingfrog (Lv4) also attack at the same time.
    • Streamingfrog (Lv4) pulls all enemies within 10 tiles in a straight line.
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.


Floor Dragon Family

  • Special attack burrows underground and emerges 2 tiles ahead (cuts through corners).
    • This can also be used to move to the other side of a 1 tile wall.
  • Dragon Pit (Lv3) and Hiding Dragon (Lv4) have swift action speed.
  • Immune to traps.

Floor Dragon552520
Dragon Head883125
Dragon Pit1305440
Hiding Dragon2307060

Tiger Thrower Family

  • Special attack throws the target in front towards a different monster or visible trap.
    • Range: Thrower = 5 tiles, Hurler = 10 tiles, Chucker = 15 tiles, Launcher = 20 tiles.

Tiger Thrower682622
Tiger Hurler1355045
Tiger Chucker1556055
Tiger Launcher2558365

Karakuroid Family

  • Special attack either creates a new trap or changes the trap you're standing on.
    • Floor-exiting Traps or Pitfall Traps can be used to skip floors in some dungeons.
  • All four levels in this family have swift action speed.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap inflicts Sealed and Slowed statuses.


Soldier Ant Family

  • Special attack digs out the wall tile in front.
    • Captain Ant (Lv3) and General Ant (Lv4) will create a pillar if the tile in front isn't a wall.
  • Normal attacks cut through corners.

Soldier Ant502516
Corporal Ant1004020
Captain Ant1105539
General Ant1257649

Explochin Family

  • Explodes when HP gets low or when hit by an explosion, dropping current HP to 1.
    • Beware of Fierous or Pop Tank family monsters and Blast Traps!
  • Aquatic type, so HP regenerates and Attack Power is boosted while standing on a water tile.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap restores HP.


Hoppin' Batter Family

  • Either reflects or nullifies incoming projectiles and magic bullets.
    • Reflect chance: Lv1 = 10%, Lv2 = 30%, Lv3 = 50%, Lv4 = 100%.
  • Hoppin' Slammer (Lv4) easily handles Skull Mage, Bored Kappa, Pop Tank, and Ghost Radish monsters.

Hoppin' Batter2073
Hoppin' Hitter322215
Hoppin' Slugger723931
Hoppin' Slammer1254949

Fierous Family

  • Nullifies fire and explosion damage, and incoming projectiles that lack piercing properties.
  • Explosions cause it to multiply, spawning an enemy Fierous monster of the same level.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap makes you instantly collapse.


Zapdon Family

  • Electrifies after taking damage, then drops lightning on all monsters in the room when hit again.
    • Damage: Zapdon (Lv1) = 25, Rumbledon (Lv2) = 30, Clapdon (Lv3) = 35, Boomdon (Lv4) = 40.
  • All four levels in this family have slow action speed.
  • Getting splashed by water or stepping on a Rust Trap inflicts Sealed and Slowed statuses.


Schubell Family

  • Special attack summons new enemy monsters around you.
    • Count: Schubell (Lv1) = 1, Menbell (Lv2) = 1~2, Bellthoven (Lv3) = 1~3, Showpin (Lv4) = 1~3.
  • There are basically no advantages to using its special attack in this gameplay mode.


N'dubba Family

  • Special attack grants Hiding status to the player for 20 turns.
    • Hiding status wears off immediately if Fullness is currently 0.


Mixer Family

  • Eats incoming projectiles that lack piercing properties, boosting Attack Power by 1 stage.
    • Count: Mixer (Lv1) = 2, Mixermon (Lv2) = 3, Mixergon (Lv3) = 4, Mixerdon (Lv4) = 5.
  • Arrow Traps can be used to boost Attack Power regardless of the current floor's monster table.


Egg Thing Family

  • All four levels in this family have swift action speed, but Attack Power is set to 1.
    • Running Egg (Lv2), Flying Egg (Lv3), and Hiding Egg (Lv4) warp when attacked.
    • Flying Egg (Lv3) and Hiding Egg (Lv4) can use their special attack to warp.

Egg Thing5214
Running Egg6315
Flying Egg7416
Hiding Egg8517


  • Swift action speed, but Attack Power and Defense are set to 1.
  • Floating type, so you can move across water and air tiles, and also ignores traps.


Dark Owl

  • Ability grants Mapping Scroll effect + Tiptoe status.
  • Great for sneaking your way through a dungeon, but might struggle against bosses.

Dark Owl901625

Crow Tengu

  • Starts with 1 Attack Power and 1 Defense, so defeating enemies is a struggle.
  • Floating type, so you can move across water and air tiles, and also ignores traps.

Crow Tengu511

Fluffy Bunny

  • Special attack restores the player's HP by 50 points.
  • Only has 10 for Max HP and Attack Power at the start, but has 50 Defense.

Fluffy Bunny101050

Fire Ninja Family

  • Special attack shoots fire at a target in front.
    • Damage: Lv1 = 5, Lv2 = 10, Lv3 = 15, Lv4 = 20.
    • Any Grass, Staff, or Scroll item on the tile in front also burns up.

Fire Ninja D28185
Fire Ninja C754521
Fire Ninja B1055639
Fire Ninja A1857059

Water Ninja Family

  • Special attack shoots water up to 3 tiles ahead.
    • Damage: Lv1 = 5, Lv2 = 10, Lv3 = 15, Lv4 = 20.
  • You can move across water tiles, but your HP does not regenerate on water tiles.

Water Ninja D24159
Water Ninja C803726
Water Ninja B1204539
Water Ninja A2056549

Tree Ninja Family

  • Special attack launches a log at a target from a random direction, dealing 10 tiles of knockback.
    • Damage: Lv1 = 5, Lv2 = 10, Lv3 = 15, Lv4 = 20.
    • The log occasionally hits the player instead.
  • Occasionally warps after receiving damage.

Tree Ninja D251410
Tree Ninja C703724
Tree Ninja B1454743
Tree Ninja A1957257

Metal Ninja Family

  • Special attack throws a bag of Gitan in a straight line.
    • The Gitan is subtracted from your current Gitan total.

Metal Ninja D271311
Metal Ninja C854229
Metal Ninja B1255040
Metal Ninja A2057050

Earth Ninja Family

  • Special attack shoots sand at a target in front, occasionally blinding them.
    • Damage: Lv1 = 5, Lv2 = 10, Lv3 = 15, Lv4 = 20.

Earth Ninja D381120
Earth Ninja C852128
Earth Ninja B1555238
Earth Ninja A2156858

Hannya Monk Family

  • Special attack inflicts the target in front with Monk's Berserk status for 30 turns (can fail).
    • The enemy monster with Monk's Berserk status won't attack the player or other monks.

Hannya Monk D663725
Hannya Monk C1064735
Hannya Monk B1665745
Hannya Monk A2666755

Kitsune Monk Family

  • Special attack morphs the target in front into an item (can fail).
    • Picking up a morphed monster makes it revert and attack.

Kitsune Monk D752224
Kitsune Monk C1254338
Kitsune Monk B1755348
Kitsune Monk A2757358

Okina Monk Family

  • Special attack warps the target in front to a different spot on the current floor (can fail).

Okina Monk D702525
Okina Monk C1204640
Okina Monk B1705650
Okina Monk A2707660

Okame Monk Family

  • Special attack cures the player's negative status conditions (always succeeds).
    • Cannot be used to cure Sealed status or ailments that prevent taking actions.

Okame Monk D601923
Okame Monk C1104041
Okame Monk B1605051
Okame Monk A2607061

Tengu Monk Family

  • Special attack grants the player Hasted status for roughly 14 turns (always succeeds).

Tengu Monk D802420
Tengu Monk C1304537
Tengu Monk B1805547
Tengu Monk A2807557