Sacred Tree


The Sacred Tree is a feature that was added in the version 1.1.0 update.
It's unlocked after clearing Serpentcoil Island, and lets you challenge dungeons under special rules.


  • Villages and overworld areas are skipped.
  • The player cannot request any rescues - Be very careful if you bring items!
  • Monster slots you encounter inside a dungeon will get recorded in the Adventure Log like normal.
  • Bosses are present in Serpentcoil Island, Dune of Batsu, Cavern of Suiryu, and Yamakagashi Pass.
  • Press in the right analog stick to pause gameplay, including counters for Countdown Trial and such.

Player Select

Sacred Tree dungeons offer an option to play as characters other than Shiren.


Can be used in all dungeons.

Kokatsu Shiren

Unlocked by clearing Cavern of Suiryu?
Cannot be used in Peach Dungeon or Trapper's Secret Path.

Normal Attack

Shiren's normal attack initially reaches 1 tile ahead, but gains 1 tile of range per enemy defeated (max: 3 tiles).
However, the boosted normal attack range resets to the initial state whenever Shiren receives damage.
Since Shiren can't equip a shield, it's very important to utilize the extended range to avoid damage.
This normal attack can cut through corners, and can also hit Pumphantasms inside walls.

Special Attacks

Sand-handling10Creates a pillar of sand in front of you.
If the tile in front is a wall, digs out the wall tile.
Deception20Creates a decoy (60 HP).
Blazing Heat60Deals 40~50 damage to all monsters in the room.
Also inflicts Blind status at the same time.
Sun's Blessing10Transforms the selected item into a random
Grass or Onigiri category item.

Altered Effects

Certain traps and monster special attacks affect Kokatsu Shiren differently.

Trap / MonsterNotes
MudkinLowers Attack Power and Defense Power.
Removal TrapLowers Attack Power and Defense Power.
Silver-seal TrapInflicts Sealed status.

Normal Trial

Normal Trial Rules

Challenge a dungeon using the same rules as the main game.

Countdown Trial

Countdown Trial Rules

Turns have a time limit called Turn Countdown, which resets every time you take an action.
Total Countdown will begin to decrease when Turn Countdown reaches 0.
If Total Countdown reaches 0, you fail the adventure.
Total Countdown will regain a little bit of time when you advance floors.
The adventure cannot be suspended during a Countdown Trial.

Time Limit (Turn/Total in seconds)

Serpentcoil Island5/4655/3105/155
Dune of Batsu5/4505/3005/150
Cavern of Suiryu5/3005/2005/100
Yamakagashi Pass5/3755/2505/125
Kiki Island5/3755/2505/125
Training Path of Inference5/3005/2005/100
Training Path of Extra Inference5/3005/2005/100
Peach Dungeon5/3755/2505/125
Sumo Dungeon5/3005/2005/100
Cat-Ching's Divine Will5/1505/1005/50
Trapper's Secret Path5/3005/2005/100
Training Path of Gimmicks5/3005/2005/100
Training Path of Shopping5/6005/4005/200
Behemoth Rush5/4505/3005/150
Sacred Ocean Tunnel5/2255/1505/75
Domain of Staves and Scrolls5/3005/2005/100
Isle of the Mighty5/7505/5005/250
Heart of Serpentcoil Island5/14855/9905/495

Turn Trial

Turn Trial Rules

Try to clear a dungeon in as few turns as possible.
A counter displaying the number of elapsed turns is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

Time Trial

Time Trial Rules

Try to clear a dungeon as quickly as possible.
A counter displaying the time elapsed is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
The adventure cannot be suspended during a Time Trial.

Challenge Trial

Challenge Trial Rules

Try to clear a dungeon under a specific set of rules.
Select which rules to apply with the Select Rules command - More than 1 rule can be selected.

Selectable Rules

Complete without equipping items.Can be completed as Kokatsu Shiren.
Complete without Sumo Power.Sumo status won't activate at 150 Fullness.
Complete without using Grass.-
Complete without using Scrolls.-
Complete without using Staves.-
Complete without using Pots.-
Complete without collapsing.Revival Grass won't activate.

Monster Trial

Monster Trial Rules

Select a monster as your playable character and see how far you can go.
HP doesn't naturally regenerate as turns elapse, but Fullness will not deplete.
Level increases as you defeat monsters, fully restoring HP while reducing Fullness by 4.
Items cannot be used, but eating an item replenishes Fullness by 2.
Playable monsters can be unlocked by completing Dojo Challenges in the Monster Dojo.