Training Facility

Optional tutorials on how to play the game.

You'll receive a random item each time you complete a topic for the first time.


UnlockAvailable from the start.
EntranceInori Village (Beginner House)
Topics 54
Bring Items No
Clear Icon clear training


There are a total of 54 topics.

Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Finding the stairsWalk around to healCorners are your friendsSeals and blessingsLaunching creatures
Moving diagonallyEquipment is your friendPassageway duelsEquipment upgradesHiding in pots
Effective dashingProjectiles and rangeItems in potsAnnoying cursed itemsLifesaving scrolls
Turning in placeUse grass or throw itTide-turning talismansEquipment synthesisSanctuary
Dealing with hungerStaves and magic bulletsPoison reduces strengthPeachesGo nuts for Nuts
Using the mapEffective scroll usageUnidentified itemsEveryone hates trapsStop! Thief!
Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Dodge using diagonalsHunger for healthFragrant potsHit & Run tactics
The wind blows eventuallyThrow longZalokleft, I choose you!Urchins can explode!
Using MixerAn ounce of prevention...Mo' Gitan, mo' painCombining
Close the doorSeal the bad traitsCombining stavesTricky fakes
Hidden passagewayUse the staves to fleeResorting to brute forceBright Shield tricks*
Monsters level up, tooEffects of waterSuspicious behaviorCan't read in the dark*

* Available after clearing Night Training Facility.


Each item has a frequency value (F), and a higher number means it's more common.

WeaponFShieldFBraceletFGrassFScrollFStaff / PotF
Myopic Masher3Heavy Shield3Growth Bracelet5Revival Grass20Confusion Scroll60Seal Staff30
Drain Dagger3Blast Shield3Anti-Cnf. Bracelet10Strength Grass20Slumber Scroll60Electric Staff60
Copper Cleaver3Diet Shield3Alert Bracelet10Dragon Grass60Vacuum Slash Scrl60Empathy Staff30
Crescent Katana3Counter Shield3Cleansing Bracelet10Stomach Expander60Fear Scroll60Transient Staff60
Magic Masher3Wolfshead3Staunch Bracelet10Swift Grass60Trap Deletion Scrl60Paralysis Staff30
Beast Fang3Gold Shield3Strength Bracelet20Perception Grass60Fate Scroll25Swap Staff60
Katana12Iron Targe12Power Up Grass60Earth Scroll25Knockback Staff60
Rusty Pickaxe3Tin Shield30Upgrade Seed60Plating Scroll25Pinning Staff60
Dull Gold Edge3Plain Targe60Otogiriso60Navigation Scroll60Slow Staff30
Tin Blade30Antidote Grass60Escape Scroll60Mage Staff60
Ordinary Stick60Warp Grass60Oil Scroll60Preservation Pot100